Anyone out here have MESSA insurance?
My papers have been at BCBS MESSA for a couple of weeks now and I am very nervous. Can anyone share any experiences with me? My BMI is 41 and I have a few co-morbidities but I don't have years of documented weight loss and I am very nervous!!! Was wondering if anyone else went through MESSA — Tracy T. (posted on February 24, 2002)
February 24, 2002
I have MESSA and they paid 100%. It took them a little over two weeks to
approve me. My BMI was higher than yours but there requirements are 100 lbs
over weight, BMI over 40 and must be medically neccasary. They do not
require Psyche evaluation or records of weight loss attempts, so dont worry
about that.
Make sure that your paperwork was indeed sent in.
Also, they have a website for members and on it includes a counter which
shows how many days it is taking for claims to be approved.
I dont have the URL for the website on hand, but I'm sure if you do an
internet search for MESSA Michigan it will come up. If not, email me and I
will dig it up. Also, feel free to email if you have any other questions.
Good Luck
— Missy M.
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