How long before exercise starts to mximize weight loss?

I recently started work as a fitness tech at a gym. I've gone up 3 pounds! Intake hasn't increased, am doing more water, so when will the exercize start getting rid of weight?(I know the weight I've added is muscle, but I want to lose weight as well as tone up! ) Thanks in Advance! Donna in AL    — Donna S. C. (posted on January 24, 2002)

January 24, 2002
I know how you feel. I recently starting working at my local YMCA and noticed with exercise I gained weight! Like you I know it is muscle but it is discouraging. The thing I have noticed though is the inches are melting away. My clothes literally fall off my body. I may not lose pounds every single day but the inches are proof to me that I am doing the right thing. Hopefully I will soon see the loss on the scale. Good Luck and thanks for posting this question! Amy
   — purdue_1993

January 24, 2002
Remember: Fat doesn't "weigh" more than muscle, as many people think, but it DOES take up FIVE TIMES as much space as muscle! Imagine! (I always use the analogy of a pound of feathers (fat) vs. a pound of lead (muscle). A pound is always 16 oz., no matter what, but it would take a whole lot of feathers and not a whole lot of lead to make up those 16 oz!) <p>The other thing to think about, and I don't know if it's the answer for you or not, but many times when people are working out, they need to increase their calorie intake a bit (usually protein and/or complex carbs) to prompt the release of weight because sometimes your body can perceive the exercise as calorie deprivation and can go into the same type of "starvation mode" it goes into if you don't eat enough! <p>Just a couple thoughts! Best of luck and enjoy your workouts! *Smile*
   — Cristie L.

January 25, 2002
Donna, try not to worry about this beacause you're doing something really good for your body by exercising. I know it's hard to not worry! I'm going through the same thing myself with the exercise/weight gain problem and my first reaction is "OMG! I'M GAINING ALL THE WEIGHT BACK!!!" But then I have to tell myself to calm down, I'm gaining muscle. Cristie gave an excellent analogy, comparing the feathers & lead which helped me alot! >>>But Cristie, does the body really go into starvation mode with exercise?! I always thought exercise INCREASES metabolism (opposite of starvation mode). I have heard of people drinking a protein drink straight after a workout for "recovery" or something like that. Maybe this is what prevents the starvation mode from kicking in? Anyway, thanks for this info. Cristie and don't worry yourself too much Donna. Never mind weight loss, the exercise is GREAT for your heart & lungs; your whole body really.
   — lalasmommy

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