Do I need to go on the pill to get regulated?

I asked this question the other night... Question: I have a serious question for the women... should I be concerned? I am 2 months post-op. I got my period on January 11, and today is January 21 and I am bleeding. I don't know if it is another period or something else. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be concerned? Please help. I can't decide if I should be scared or not. It seems that everyone that answered was on the pill. This is my follow-up question... From everything I've heard, it sounds like every female that has ever had this surgery went on the pill. Should I go on the pill too, or is it just coincidental that the only ones that have answered my question are ones that are on the pill? Please help me ease my confusion. Thanx!    — Janet C. (posted on January 22, 2002)

January 22, 2002
Hi! Do not fear!! I doubt that anything is seriously wrong! Your body is probably still trying to figure out what is going on!! I think it would be ok to ride it out for a little while. Wait and see if your body can adjust to the changes. You didn't say if you were reg. before or if you even had your period at all. If you weren't getting periods...Sometimes overweight women store up lining. I once had my period for 3 months straight. I did go on medicine to help me get rid of and not build up so much lining. But yours could just be stress of weightloss, surgery, changing eating etc. I wouldn't worry too much yet about this!!
   — Allie A.

January 22, 2002
I too feel that it is just your body doing some hormonal changes. I did not go on BC pills after my surgery as I wanted to get "normal" and see what everything was doing w/o the use of any hormones (as I had a different problem). I did start my period the day after surgery, and it was the first one I had for a year and a half- so I was amazed to see it, even if it were generated by anesthesia or surgery... I have had my period regular since surgery in 2000- I do remember that my first one was long- and "different" but not as long as yours.... SO, I do think it is just your body's reaction to the unloading of extra hormones and I feel it is normal. Going on birth control to control cycles (to me) hides what should be addressed, and I feel that you should see if you stabilize first (and perhaps after checking with your Doctor)- going on birth control for birth control is another issue....
   — Karen R.

January 22, 2002
I am the original poster... I was regular prior to surgery down to the actual hour of the 28th day. My surgery was November 16th and this is the first time I have had an irregular period. I was regular right out of the hospital up until last night.
   — Janet C.

January 22, 2002
Hi Janet, I too had my surgery on 11/16---and was on the pill to keep myself regular, which I had to go off of for surgery. Since then I was as irregular as I could be. Even though I started back on my pills 4 weks post (as soon as Dr. said I could) and I bled like a stuck pig for the next three weeks. This actually is the first week I am without my "friend" for almost a month now. And where am I in my cycle of pills?? Just about to get it again. UGH. My dr. said that it is normal...our bodies are going crazy with hormones and whatnot. Just be patient and ride it out as best you can. Talk to ob/gyn if you get really concerned. Just remember to keep your iron levels good---you know what a mess anemia can make of us women? Be well and talk to you soon.
   — Mustang

January 22, 2002
You may want to ask your doctor about the Depo Vera shot. Then you don't have periods at all and it's very convienent only one shot every 12 weeks. You may want to research the pro's and con's on the internet.
   — Candace F.

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