Is Breastfeeding okay after you\'ve had your breast lifted?

I'm 19 years old and 16 days post-op. So far, I have lost an awesome 25 pounds. My concern is that over time I'll begin to seriously droop (if you know what I mean) and I'll eventually need a breast lift. However, I've heard that it's impossible to breast feed after you've had one. Does anyone know whether or not this is true? I would really like to breast feed children of mine whenever I have them down the road.    — Jaimee S. (posted on December 26, 2001)

December 25, 2001
I had a breast redux, w/lift years ago, then had a baby afterwards so that is a question that I was asking also. Sometimes the milk ducts are severed for the nipple to be moved upwards, sometimes they are able to keep them intact. I found out that I was still \'connected\' when the milk started coming in, or should I say out. That is something you will have to talk to you plastic doc about. So, yes it is possible depending on the procedure, method. And also mine was done back in 94, I\'m sure that they have had improvements since then. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

December 26, 2001
I think this would depend on whether or not your breast were still able to make and deliver milk. There was a story on one of the news magazines several years ago about a young Mom whose infant starved to death because no one had told her that after a breast reduction milk supply may be diminished or non existent. I don\'t think I would risk it. you can snuggle and give your baby lots of skin to skin to maximize bonding. I think I would postpone the breast surgery if I were planning to get pregnant and/or breast feed, both events make a Big impact on the breasts. Breast feeding is great. It would be worth waiting for.
   — [Anonymous]

December 27, 2001
I do plan on having a baby and breast-feeding, but that won't be for another 3 or 4 years. It'll probably be a few years before I decide to get married. So, chances are, I'll want the breast reduction surgery before then. But, I hope that I can find a surgeon that can do the surgery that will keep my milk ducts in tact.
   — Jaimee S.

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