I am 1 month post-op and CAN'T STOP ITCHING!!!!

I itch all over... It won't stop and nothing is helping. Is this normal? What can I do? I have read the database, and no... I'm not on pain killers anymore, not taking any weird meds. It's making me crazy!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!    — Janet C. (posted on December 17, 2001)

December 17, 2001
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. This happened to me up until two months post op. And my skin was SOOO dry. And I had hives. I suggest that you drink water as much as you can, wash with aveeno soap and moisturize your skin like hell!!. It is most likely a reaction to anesthesia, pain killers, drugs, ACTIGALL, that disgusting contrast we drank for the leak test, and DEHYDRATION. You must drink the water more than ever. It will not only hydrate, but also hasten the departure of various toxins from your currently bedraggled but very happy body. Good luck.
   — michelle R.

December 17, 2001
I know what you mean also. Everytime I've lost weight in the past, I've itched. This time it drove me crazy (which is not that hard to do...he he). I make sure that I constantly use lotion after my showers as well as oil in my baths.
   — trtorrey

December 17, 2001
Dry skin, dry skin, dry skin. I have had dry skin since leaving the hospital. Because our ability to take in as much hydration as we totally need is still coming back to us (we're not quite there yet a month post) the first thing to get dried out is our largest organ...the skin. Keep drinking the water!!! And use a moisturizer/and possibly one with cortisone in it to hydrate and keep from getting infected. Take care--and Be well.
   — Mustang

December 18, 2001
Try to stay away from heavily perfumed soaps, bath gels, lotions, etc. Someone else suggested Aveno, and that's good stuff. :o) Also, showering (as opposed to bathing) is probably better too. Sitting in a tub of water will just dry your skin out more. Plus bathing is sort of icky when you think about it... You're sitting in a tub of water, and after you wash yourself, where do all the dirt, dry skin flakes, etc. go? They float to the surface of the bath water, and when you stand up, it just sticks to your skin. On the drier, itchier places, try to use hydrocortizone cream or benadryl creme.
   — [Anonymous]

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