Will a Dr. deny if you are 200 lbs overweight and a BMI of 61??

I do not have any major medical documented co-morbids. I am not one who goes to the Dr. alot. I do have asthma. I also just got put on heartburn medication and back pain medication. I do have dicumented that I have been obese for years, and did try Meredia for 3 months, but because I have to be on an anti-depressant, I could not do both. I do have MAJOR sleep problems, and have a appt with a sleep specialist in January. I am worried I will get denied for lack of documentation.    — Ilene S. (posted on December 17, 2001)

December 17, 2001
I was 240 pounds overweight and had no MAJOR comorbs. As in saying MAJOR I mean my heart was fine, no high blood pressure, not diabetic and my blood work looked wonderful. I did however have back pain, seasonal asthma, and knee pain. So, I really looked good on body just didn't know it. I didn't even have sleep apnea!! I had NO problems qualifying for the surgery. My doctor "chooses" his patients and I was told I defineatly qualified. My insurance approved me in 2 days. This was my experience...I can not speak for everyone. Many blessing to ya!!! I am soooooooo glad I had this surgery!!!!!!!
   — Cheryl L.

December 17, 2001
You should have no problems as long as you are willing to do what you need to. I started out in a similar situation but being overweight we all have medical problems, yours just need documented. My family physician sent me to a heart specialist, pulmonary specialist (for the possible sleep apnea), and I did have the sleep apnea. The heart specialist wrote a letter stating that my weight being significant was the reason for my blood pressure being high and the future risks involved if something wasn't done and that he thought the surgery would really help. Same thing with the sleep apnea. Let them know what you are trying to accomplish and if they are good Doctor's they will be more than happy to help. Since you don't have a documented history; make it. My family doctor was great and helped me immensly but he didn't know what to do to make the insurance cover it either. I took control and researched and reported back to him and we worked together so make sure your family doctor is with you 100% and if not; find one that is. It took me a year and a half to get through all the testing and insurance denials but I made it and am now 5 months post-op and I have lost 100 pounds now! I still have a long way to go, my BMI was much higher than your, I started out at 543 pounds! So don't give up, I already feel like a new woman and it is only going to get better from here. Good luck!!!
   — Monica F.

December 17, 2001
You are a ideal candidate! Now you will need clearance by lots of doctors, and dont despair if some other co morbidities are discovered. You will be much healthier after urgery and the weight loss.
   — bob-haller

December 17, 2001
Ilene, I also was 200 lbs overweight with the same BMI. It sounds to me as if you definitely have enough going on to be considered for the surgery. There is a lot of things you need done, the sleep study being one of them. Best of luck to you!
   — Donna S.

December 17, 2001
I had the exact same BMI as you when I started. Many docs won't operate on someone over 400 lbs, but as long as you have a doctor willing to do the surgery, you should be fine. Good luck.
   — Terissa R.

December 17, 2001
i was 326 day of sugery at 5ft tall and my bmi was 66.5 your dr will not and if he does i will give you my dr. # i had sugery on 11/8/01 and im down 36lbs take care
   — melissa W.

December 18, 2001
Sounds like you would qualify to me. I am 5'4, I weighed 341 going in, and I'm supposed to weight 128-140. I had no "regular" comorbs. Now when I say regular I mean heart disease, blood pressure etc. I did put down that I could not participate with my kids in family events, and that being fat was making me lose out on my life. Those are comorbs to me. List everything. List all the things you are losing out on. List any pain you have, feet pain, leg pain, back pain. Anything that would probably go away with the weight loss. You did not mention what ins company you have, but with as much info as you can give, you have a better chance of geting approved. Best of luck to you !!!!
   — [Anonymous]

December 18, 2001
There are many doctors that operate on individuals over 400 lbs. There is a on-line support group (WLS400plus)that caters to anyone over 400 lbs or with a high BMI--most of the members have either had WLS or are trying to obtain approval. I need to lose about 250 lbs and my surgeon had no issues regarding surgery for me. I had co-morbs that I didn't even know about until recently, like OSA, GERD, etc...I wish you luck!
   — jenn2002

December 19, 2001
I am more than 200lbs over over weight at 5ft 9in and I was approved for the surgery in two days hope you have the same luck
   — blank first name B.

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