I'm happy with weight loss, but why am I breaking out?

I've lost over 150 #'s, and I'm so happy! However, it seems like I've been getting more pimples. Seems my face should clear up since I'm not eating as many fats in my diets. Anyone else experience this and know of some good ways eliminate the zits?    — Cristy K. (posted on November 29, 2001)

November 29, 2001
Click on "last 300 questions". There was almost this very question a couple days ago. I think it is #90. Hope it helps you out.
   — Kim B.

February 22, 2003
Hi. I realize this question is old, but no doubt others have the same problem. I'm no medical pro, but I would imagine that breakouts are affected by the often dramatic hormonal changes women experience with rapid weight loss.
   — Elizabeth N.

May 7, 2003
I too noticed that I had major acne after WLS. Well, my deductable had already been met that year, so I went to a dermatogolist and they prescribed Retina-A micro gel for my acne (and face wash and a lotion). My skin looks great!! It is rather expensive and your doc will prob have to write your insurance company so they will cover it (Retina A is also a wrinkle treater.. so they have to medically justify it) but it is so worth it. They also tried Differin creme on me, but it did not work as well as the Retina-A.
   — Yowhuzup Y.

February 11, 2005
Just read your email about the breakouts and I want to let you all know there is another option besides "Retin A" which is truely way too harsh for anyones skin. I teach skin care and the issue is the PH balance in your skin, which can be corrected very easily with the product I promote and sell. It is Arbonne skin care products, Please email me and I will be glad to go into great detail for you or maybe even send you a sample. How bout that??? God Bless, Brenda
   — Brenda R.

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