Since I have come home from having the surgery, everything makes me cry.
Stupid tv commercials, a thought.... you name it, I'll cry. I can't take it. I am a babbling idiot... an emotional wreck. Please tell me I'm not alone and that this will only last a very short time. — Janet C. (posted on November 21, 2001)
November 20, 2001
hello janet,
and no u r not alone. i cried so much my first 2 weeks after surgery and
thought id never get over "it" whatever "it" was. now i
think it was just a stage maybe my body mourning all that havoc on it. be
strong it will pass .
— [Anonymous]
November 20, 2001
No Janet, you are not a big sissy! The painkillers and anesthesia are
depressants, they depress pain, as well as emotions. SOme people get
depressed after surgery, you, well, you are just weepy. Its OK and it will
pass. Also, so much trauma and erratic sleep is enough to make anyone want
to cry! I find that if I just blubber like an idiot until I am tired of
it, it gets out of my system faster. Make sure you watch some silly TV,
get in a little walk, and talk with a friend. Be concerned if it persists
several weeks. Otherwise, be sure to buy the tissues with lotion!
— M. A. B.
November 21, 2001
don't try to suffer through, call your surgeon and ask for a perscription.
The dietition to our pre-op class that they expect us to have some problems
with emotions. So ask for something like Wellburtrin.
— [Anonymous]
November 21, 2001
For me to say this is perfectly normal..I know that does not help much..but
pain meds and anesthesia are in fact true depressants, they suppress pain,
however, cause erratic emotions. Lots of people get depressed after
surgery, you're very is the time to pamper yourself, your
body has been through a train wreck..time to regroup and heal.. Also it's
not uncommon to regret your decision to have surgery..most of us
immediately post-op..think "Lord what have I done" Don't
worry the time comes really soon when you will say.."Why did I wait
so long" hang in there it only gets better.
— Victoria B.
November 21, 2001
You are definitely NOT alone!!!!! I am 12 days post-op and cried for 5 days
at absolutely nothing! I cried when I drove from the drug store to the
grocery store. I chalked it up to "mourning the loss of food". It
will pass very soon. Mine has disappeared. Good Luck!
— Wendy H.
November 21, 2001
no your not crazy im 4 weeks post op and cry over every thing the first 2
weeks were worse! it will get better hang in there and God bless
— gerirose C.
November 21, 2001
Janet, I think we all boo hoo both before and after surgery. I've heard a
lot of people describe this whole process as an "emotional
rollercoaster." That is sort of true - but one guy said no way,
"it is a flatout train wreck." And that has been true for me!! I
cried at the least little thing and at nothing. Felt like I was 13 again
and fighting hormones. IT WILL GET BETTER. You have the effects from the
anesthesia, but you are also mourning the loss of your friend food, the
changes in your body (some of them not so good at the first), the short
term limitations on your activity, etc. This surgery is a big deal. Just go
ahead and cry, you've earned it. By 6 weeks out, you will be feeling so
good physically that you can deal with the emotional things much easier.
Good luck.
Mary Ann Karns
— mskarns
November 21, 2001
I was exactly the same. I couldn't watch anything the least bit
"dark". No horrors, dramas, etc. I have always loved that sort of
stuff but couldn't handle it. I had to laugh about a week ago my folks came
to visit me and brought comedy movies. My dad said I know how you don't
like anything else. I laughed and told him oh I'm over that, bring on the
drama. It will pass! Take care.-Kim
— KimBo36
November 21, 2001
When I was told about the crying at the support group, I couldn't believe
it. I was never a "cryer". Then two days after surgery it just
hit me. I just started crying for no reason. I didn't want anyone to see
me. I think it happened one more time. I came home after five days in the
hospital. I was just sitting around talking to my husband and then just
started to cry. We couldn't figure out why. And once more when my best
friend came to visit me. That was it. I am now 13 days post-op and could
not be happier. Lost 23 pounds as of today!!! So, a few tears are okay.
— Dianne K.
November 21, 2001
I cried at least an hour out of every day for the first 2 weeks. So no,
you're not alone. You're perfectly normal. Plus, look at the bright
side; you're losing water weight :0)
— Kristin R.
November 21, 2001
I'm the same way. A few minutes ago, as I sat on my deck I looked up at
the beautiful blue sky and a jet was going by. I was alone but started to
cry and thought "what a great country we have! No body can bring us
down!". Seeing the jet was awesome! I cried because I missed the
meteorite shower the other night and because I had missed the northern
lights a week ago! You are not alone in this.
I cry because I am happy when I read the message board each night. Thanks
for asking this question.
— Marilyn C.
November 22, 2001
My doctor told me the emotional rollercoaster is because your body releases
estrogen as it burns fat. So basically you're PMS-ing like crazy as you go
through rapid weight loss. Make sense?
— Terissa R.
December 3, 2001
Boy I'm glad you posted this! I regularly cry at everything. So when I cry
after surgery I'll know it's expected. Thanks!
— Lisa T.
February 15, 2002
Hi! I am a medical student and also in the process of getting WLS. I read
question and its a hormonal thing! Hormones cling to fatty cells and thats
periods become irregular, you might get hirsutism (excessive body hair), or
voice when you are morbidly obese. So, when you start losing weight your
level out and go crazy temporarily until they get settled!! :) Don't worry.
Its natural!
— [Anonymous]
March 6, 2002
I'm an emotional person anyway, and I've done the same thing. You have to
remember that your body has gone through a rough time of it and even though
it's healing, it's going to take a while. Just don't want any sad movies -
— dolphins94
April 12, 2002
Hi! I am also a very sensative person. However, after surgery (7 wks out
now) I find I cry at some of my own thoughts let along tv shows, etc. But I
try to keep perspective knowing that I, my mind and body have undergone a
major surgery that requires radical adjustments. I often feel overwhelmed,
not always in a bad way though. Just like things come at me really fast.
Crying is an outlet and I know it won't last forever :)
— Lisa N.
April 21, 2002
I am so glad to know I am not alone. Everything makes me cry and I am going
on 3 weeks post op. I also just had my period, so I'm sure that enhanced
it. The least little thing anyone says to me hurts my feelings and I also
feel so alone since my mom went back home (she stayed with me for 2 weeks).
I do feel better today, but not as perky as I would like. Thank God for
this site and the ability to draw from other people's experiences.
— Karen H.
July 9, 2002
I'm laughing. I'm so glad I read this question & everyone's answers. I
was a basket case 3 days after surgery (6/6/02)and it lasted another couple
days. I remember my daughter brought me a People magazine and Carney Wilson
was on the cover after she had all her plastic surgery and I just cried and
cried, I sat there crying and showed her the cover remarking how amazing
Carney was. My daughter was terrified that I lost my mind. I told her I
was very emotional and hoped it would pass. Well it did & glad to know
it's completely normal.
— Linda E.
July 23, 2002
So glad I found this thread! I'll be 3 weeks post-op tomorrow, and oh
brother I only pray it's true that I'll feel tremendously different at 6
weeks! I cry a lot but also am very, very touchy. My 16 year old son lives
with his Dad. Well, his cheapskate father called me the other day and
started in on wanting me, or get this, my boyfriend!, to pay 1/2 of the
$300.00 for a new pair of eyeglasses for my son. First of all, when he
still lived with me 2 years ago, I bought him both eyeglasses and
prescription sunglasses for only $200.00 and daddy paid zero of it. Anyway,
the man just really picked the wrong time to start anything with me. I had
my boyfriend (unknowingly) drive me to see my son, when in reality I went
there to lay into his father. I know, bad move. I have always survived this
man and his insanity by being the better, stronger person. But no, I go get
psycho on him. My boyfriend said "if I'd known you were going to do
that I wouldn't have brought you." Well of course I didn't tell him I
had psychotic thoughts in my head LOL I cried the whole way home, cried for
2 days really. I hate these hormonal surges, absolutely hate them. It's not
like it's even depression, it's more like people say...being in mourning.
And the thing is there hasn't even been one food I can honestly say I miss.
Nothing looks good to me. But I think it's just that coping mechanism is
gone? I just want this phase to be over, and soon! Anyone else feeling nuts
the first few weeks post-op?
— Anna L.
October 7, 2002
OMG yes I cried at everything for the first few weeks. Little House on the
Prairie was the worst thing I could watch. Then I would watch tv
commercials for food and cry even more. I think I went through the grief
process over a Big Mac. This does pass and I am back to my old silly self.
— tulagirl
December 7, 2002
Heya hun.. you are so not alone.. i have been an emotional wreck.. and
others who have had the wls have told me im going thru the "why the
hell did i do this to myself" period.. and that it goes away in 1-3
months.. when i told my husband this all he did was sigh and say 3 it actually made me giggle.. but i am now 3 weeks out and am
feeling much better..
— johanna F.
December 8, 2002
I had to respond to this when I saw it. I have recently had abdomnioplasty,
and just as I did with Gastro-bypass, I have been crying for no reason, at
any given moment. I have recently asked my doctor about this, and was told
that it is TOTALLY normal to feel down, or depressed, for up to 4-6
weeks!!!If it lasts beyond this point, then it may be adviseable to see a
doctor for depression. So, it is normal to respond like this after having
had a big surgery like ours.
— twenc
January 18, 2003
Well, let's see, 1-3 months? Okay, I've got 2 months of this yet... ooops,
2 months and 4 days. hehe I can definitely relate. I told someone
recently, I didn't realize I was going to wls and come out feeling
pregnant! Nausea, hormonal, crying for what seems like no reason at all...
I'll be very glad when everything "levels out". :-)
— Angela D.
February 5, 2003
I am 2 1/2 yrs out(post surgery) and I know exactly what you are talking
about....I have been a nurse for 12 yrs and have prided myself on my
ability to control myself until I am alone and safe, but now that has
almost become impossible, and to my amazement, alot of people feel I am
more an ICU nurse, I have always thought of myself as
compassionate but the tears make me real, go figure. I have had my ob-gyn
give me extra strong hormones that help but I still react more strongly to
emotional issues then before, I have even gone so far as to get a shrink,
but it could just be the surgery. Wish you luck and hope you are not in a
job like mine. Kim.
— Kim W.
June 5, 2003
I know EXACTLY what you mean. I had my surgery 5/30 and EVERYTHING makes
me sad/cry. How do I get past this and does this get better?
— AurigaStar
June 5, 2003
Oh, Dear Lord, I know this is an old post, but if this is true, then I'm in
BIG trouble! I'm already a very sensitive person, I cry over a dead dog in
the road, and the thought of it getting worse after surgery....AAAAAHH! I
take Zoloft now for depression, I wonder if it will help me after surgery?
God, I hope so! Oh well, I'll just come back and read this post and
answers...I laughed so hard I think I scared my dogs! They just looked at
me like, "Yep, mom's finally lost it this time..." LOL
— Moysa B.
June 8, 2003
I AM SO GLAD I AM NOT ALONE! Any kind of stress will push me over the edge
immediately. I tried to go back to work after 2.5 weeks, and couldn't
handle it. I cried at work, which I have NEVER done. It was great to read
everyone's responses! I am now four weeks post op and am going back to
work tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.
— karibari
September 16, 2003
Its been 7 months since my surgery and this last two
months I have felt so sad and very a lone. I know that I am a very luck
person to been able to have this surgery. I have found that I have been
snacking more when I am feeling down. I wish I had a good answer for all of
us who is feeling these same feelings. I just keep praying to God and
turning it over to him.
— Mary L.
October 2, 2003
I'm in the same boat. I'm only 2 weeks post-op, last night I found myself
laughing hysterically at my husband with tears rolling down my face, only
to have it turn into crying and sobbing the next second. In my case, I'm
sure it's pure exhaustion - after this surgery, your body is running on
fumes (I'm taking in MAYBE 600-800 calories a day). It must have an effect
on your hormones and brain chemicals as well as your muscles and physical
things. I'm currently in search of real (as opposed to internet) support
groups. I think that will help immensely. Hang in there everyone.
— Michelle R.
April 5, 2004
Your not alone. I've been very emotional also. My doctor says its normal.
He said that I usually turn to food for comfort and now I can't do that so
its only natural that I would cry more. I beleive this. I think once we
get a better hold on our emotions and eating habits it will be a lot
easier. I'm only 2 weeks post op but its getting easier every day.
— Vicki H.
April 5, 2004
As you lose, your hormones get in an uproar for a while. Also, you've lost
food as a friend. I remember crying at a Lea & Perrin's commercial.
It's normal. Just work through it, go do some exercise and you'll be fine.
— Cathy S.
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