Am I really going to need someone else to wipe me when I go to the bathroom?

And if I do need someone to wipe me (which for me, seems like the all time worst thing about this whole surgery), how long will I need them for?    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 18, 2001)

October 18, 2001
I know right where you are coming from. That and bathing were my two main concerns. If you don't have trouble wiping now, don't worry about it. More than likely you won't have a BM until after you are out of the hospital, and by the time you get home you will beable to shower so you should beable to wipe yourself. Now when I got home I was still sore, and had to take it VERY slow in the shower (taking care of that other end)but I have a handle shower massage and all I did was bend over and shoot that water between my legs to hit my behind from that way and it worked out just fine. You can get creative and still keep your independance.
   — [Anonymous]

October 18, 2001
I hate to admit it, but, I needed some help in this arena. Thank god for Mothers. My mom was there to help me wipe, even though I've NEVER had a problem wiping before. But, I also agree with the last poster, you probably won't have a BM until you're home.
   — [Anonymous]

October 18, 2001
I heard someone say they took kitchen tongs with them to the hospital to help wipe themselves. Sounded like a good idea to me.
   — elifritz

October 18, 2001
Okay, here goes. This sounded so gross to me but I fianlly tried it and it works. My doctor suggests that you get a pair of tongs and wrap cottenelle wipes (flushable) around the ends of the tongs and use them to wipe your bum. I really thought it too gross to try but then thought about some stranger wiping for me ... Anyway, I did try it. It's easy. The wipes drop right into the toilet when done. And you feel very clean and fresh.
   — [Anonymous]

October 18, 2001
I agree with the others, but I must tell you that my doctor ordered a laxative the day before I left the hospital. Therefore, I did have a BM while in the hospital. My mom was in a hotel next to the hospital and my little moment came in the middle of the night. I had no choice but to call a nurse for assistance. It was humiliating and I apologized but the nurse reminded me she had done those things many times before and I would not be her last. It didn't help at the moment, but now at 10 days post op, it is a faint memory. Don't worry about it... hospitals are there to take care of you.
   — Teresa H.

October 18, 2001
I did need help in the hospital and I thought I would care, but I didn't. I had other things on my mind. LOL I had a BM on my fourth day in the hospital but was able to wipe myself by then, albeit slowly and only with wet wipes (Cottonelle will save you!) A month post-op, I can wipe my butt without contortions like a skinny! The first time I noticed that, it felt so good, I wiped several times! LOL I have also been noticing for the past few days that I fit just fine in "normal" stalls that used to feel like a straightjacket. It gets better, and fast, so don't sweat those few days in the hospital too much. The nurses have seen it all, and much more offensive/embarrassing/disgusting things.
   — Julia M.

October 18, 2001
No problem for me but I was told that gas after surgery could be liquid so if you have gas sit on the toilet every time. Nurses dont like wet beds.
   — bob-haller

October 18, 2001
The answer to your question has a lot of variables involved - such as how obese you are, type of surgery, pain tolerance, and other unknowns. One suggestion you might try is a peri-bottle. It is a bottle with a spout (sports bottle) filled with warm water. When I worked with OB patients who had a c-section this worked great, especially if they were large women. I weighed near 300lbs when I had my surgery and was plesantly surprised as to how well I did in this area as I had heard horror stories as well. You might discuss this with your doctor and share your concerns. He/she should be able to support you with additional information. Don't lose sight of WHY you are choosing this procedure. You will do so much better than you thought you would!
   — Wanda W.

October 18, 2001
Gosh--i don't think i have any secrets left in life. LOL Here it goes--when i was in the hospital--my weight was 316.5, but i think i got bigger from the IV's. Anyway, i could not wipe my butt, and I have to leave some mystery in my marriage. :). So what i did was hobble out to the laundry cart. Go a bunch of towels, ya know the white ones. Took them into the bathroom and left them. When i had a BM, take the towel at diagonal ends and put your right foot over the towel. Now you are STILL HOLDING THE TOWEL, but it is between your legs. Now stand up and wipe. I then put the towel in the dirty laundry hamper in the hall, this way the nurses did not have to handle my mess. Using the towel is gentler than using the tongs. HTH's.
   — rose B.

October 18, 2001
Another sugg. that was given to me, was buy a cheap wooden spoon. Wrap the t. paper around several times and go for it. (Dont forget to throw the spoon away after its served its usefullness) tee each his pun intended ha
   — Jackiis

October 18, 2001
I purchased some new wipes called Playtex Personal Cleansing Cloths and they are really a lot bigger than the normal wipes. I took them with me to the hospital. I was also afraid I would have to enlist someone (my mother) to help in the wiping area, however, when it came time to poop, about the 3rd day, I had no trouble doing it myself. I was thrilled!
   — MARSHA D.

October 19, 2001
I know this sounds gross, but take an old toothbrush and wet it with warm water and use that to wipe yourself. You can also add a liquid cleanser that doesn't have to be rinsed.
   — [Anonymous]

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