Eventually do you stop having to use the bathroom so much when using water pills?

My doctor just had me start water pills and potassium today. I am running to the bathroom every 10-15 minutes. I can't get anything done. Does this eventually slow down, or do you keep this up until you're off the medicine? Thanks for any input.    — Amy T. (posted on September 18, 2001)

September 18, 2001
Hi Amy, it will stop soon. My blood pressure med is also a diuretic. You have a lot of water weight to get rid of but you will get back to normal when your body get rid of some of the extra fluid buildup.
   — Jan M.

September 18, 2001
Hello Amy, I take demadex 20mg twice a day. At first I was taking it 6am them 6pm. I was up and down half the night. So now I take it 6am then 1pm which is a lot better. I've been on this medication since March and I still go to the restroom a lot. Some days more than others. I was told to watch my sodium in take and that has help. The days I know I will not be able to go to the restroom when I need to. I skip the pills. Then the next day is really bad.
   — Karen C.

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