Has anyone heard of the bariactric pinch?

I was told that it is put under the skin to stemulate the stomach so you don't eat.    — djones28 (posted on August 28, 2001)

August 28, 2001
I heard of this too. I think it's a device that they put under the skin and it sends signals to the stomach that tell it to send signals to the brain that you're full. I heard it's just in testing now though and prone to malfunctioning.
   — Kristin R.

August 28, 2001
I saw a little bit of a piece a couple weeks ago. It was on Good Morning America, or something like that. Yes, it is a device that is placed under the skin and it stimulates the stomach making it think it is full. It is still in the experimental stages and the doctor that was explaining it, didn't answer a lot of the questions to my satisfaction. The lady that they had on who had had it done either in November or January (I can't remember which), had lost 39-40 pounds. A rather slow loss. She also said that she has changed her eating habits as well. The interviewer wondered as I did-- Which actually has caused the loss? The device or the improvement in nutrition? Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 29, 2001
I saw it on t.v. too, but it would have never worked for me. I ate when I wasn't hungry, and over ate I did. This probably would work if someone had a huge appetite that lead to being overweight, but not for us emotional food eating folks.
   — [Anonymous]

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