For those that have been dilated?

I have just finished searching the library and can not find the answer to my question. I had to have my stoma dilated a couple of days ago because of scar tissue. My question is to those that have been dilated, does this effect your weight loss. I know the normal measurement is 12mm, but since I narrowed so much they dilated me to 15mm with the knowledge that I would probably narrow back down. I am just scared that I am not going to lose the weight that I had wanted to. I need to hear some reassuring stories. Thanks, Kristin.    — KLandrum (posted on August 24, 2001)

August 26, 2001
Kristen, Ihave had to be dilated twice....I am 3 months post-op and am down 54 pounds, which I am really pleased about. So I don't believe it has really affected me. I believe that as we progress, the weigh loss will slow because of diet, etc. Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

August 26, 2001
That is my situation to a t. I was dilated twice, narrowed down to 6mm, so the doc dilated me to 15 for the same purposes. Don't worry! You'll still lose. Im a little over 4 mos post and have dropped 70 lbs. Good luck :)
   — jammie B.

August 27, 2001
I had open RNY on 12/12/00 and a revision on 04/18/01 due to a staple line disruption and development of ulcers. I had my first dilation three weeks after revision on May 25, 2001.. I do not know the exact mm that I was narrowed to nor the exact mm that I was dilated to.. I was narrowing again and had to be redilated just last Wed, Aug 22,2001. Again, I do not know the exact mm of either my narrowing or dilitation.. However, I am now 8 and 1/2 months post from open and 4 and 1/2 months post from revision and I am down 123 pounds.. so yes, you will continue to lose weight if you follow the eating regiment set for you by your surgeon , get in your water, and exercise.. Best of luck. Hugs, Gina Landers
   — Gina Landers

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