I am planning to tell work I am having a Gastric Bypass..
But how express to them that this is an emergency medical neccessity ...i don't want them to think that his is just cosmetic or they want me to take off — [Anonymous] (posted on August 2, 2001)
August 2, 2001
similar question has been asked many times, look
in the library. There are many ways to tell your employer
— [Anonymous]
August 2, 2001
I believe you are right about it being a medical neccessity.
I 'm not sure I would tell them it is an emergency. Try to explain
you are doing this to improve your health and life expectancy.
I don't think your coworkers will agree with it being an emergency,
if it were you would be going to the hospital now instead of waiting
for a month or two. I find the less I tell people the better I am.
You can explain your change in eating habits by telling them you need to
eat similar to a diabetic. If they press the issue, tell your close
friends and ask for their support. They don't have to agree with
what you are doing, but if they are your friend they will support
your decision anyways. Good luck
— [Anonymous]
August 2, 2001
most ?'s that are posted get asked more than once. So I'm going to go
ahead and risk answering this one, because it's so critical to us all. I
told people at my office that needed to know - my boss, HR, etc. I decided
that the energy it would take trying to hide what I was doing would not be
worth it. So I didn't advertise it but I didn't hide it.
The reason I'm glad I told my boss is that she knew (a) this was major
surgery, and (b) she went about educating herself about my surgery with my
help. She was therefore more understanding about my uncertainty about when
I'd be back.
Not everyone has an understanding boss. But you know, sometimes we serve
as an example to others that this is a medical problem and is a positive
I felt a bit like a freak show when I cam back but now, 2 months after
surgery, all the questions have ceased, and it's back to normal. I feel
more confident now w/the weight loss.
Good luck, work is almost as hard as family!
— laura T.
August 2, 2001
I am having surgery Aug 22nd and most of my co-workers know that I am
having it. It is not something that I'm keeping a secret because I think
it's great that this option is out there now for people like us. I also
think that people are becoming more educated about it and that has helped
with it becoming more accepted. I have worked with most of these folks for
more than 10 years and they know the medical issues I have that concerning
my weight. Only one person has "pooh poohed" it (behind my back
I might add)and I think it is because she is jealous. She is heavy, but
not to the point of needing or qualifying for surgery and I guess she
thinks I'm taking the easy way out. I'm not, I have tried everything else.
Everyone else is VERY supportive even some of the ones that I thought
wouldn't be. In any event, I am doing this for my health. I am not doing
it to have movie star looks and doubt I'll ever have that. But, it will be
nice to be able to but regular size cloths again and be able to take
advantage of all the great sales. But if people ask how I am losing weight
I am going to say I am on the Carnie Wilson diet. (I'll explain if they
don't get it) I heard that in one of my support meeting and think it is a
great answer. Final note, my pooh pooher, has started weight watchers so I
guess my actions gave her the motivation to do that. She didn't want to be
the "fat" one in the office. The decision to tell people is
personal and private and everyone of us can give you reasons for telling or
not. So in the end, just do what you feel is best for you. Good luck!!
— Betty M.
August 3, 2001
I only told my closest friends at work what kind of surgery I
was having. I told the other people I was having elective gi
surgery...and left it at that. I'm a private person and I didn't
feel that everyone in the office needed to know all the details.
Also, I didn't want everyone watching me to see what I was eating
and how much weight I was losing...I didn't think I needed that
added pressure. However, about a month after I returned to work, I
did tell people what kind of surgery I had. I only told because I
was losing weight so fast that some people were quite worried about
me and actually thought I had come kind of cancer. I'm glad I relieved
their fears; but, my "operation" did become everyone's
"number one" topic
of conversation for months and months. Most of the attention was well
meaning "how can you eat so little and stay healthy?"..."do
you throw
up all the time"...."is this the operation Roseanne
losing weight too fast"......yada yada yada.
— [Anonymous]
August 5, 2001
Would you feel comfortable telling your co-workers that your primary care
physician recommended the surgery because of the health problems it was
causing you?
— Kathy J.
August 11, 2001
This is a good question. One I had to ask myself too. And It was
medically nescarry to save my life........I got a copy of my sleep apnea
report from my pcp which at that point showed I stop breathing 67 times per
hr......yelp and that it was recommend to use the pap machine, and to lose
weight. So I went to the Manager of our office and behind close doors I
gave to her in confidence my medical report and that I was considering this
surgery to save me life. I also explain that I had no ideal that my weight
was due to the pain and hell I went thru daily. I even shed a few tears of
fear because I didnt want to die but yet I was scared to death to have this
surgery but I also knew that this was a chance that could also save my
life. and to be honest my manager was so supportive, she just had a family
memeber herself go thru this last year and was doing really good. She gave
me all the support I needed. I also think that since I had it in black and
white of my medical condition that she knew it was not for glamour or
glory it was to save my life at which it has. Now some of my co-workers
think I took the easy road to lose weight and you know what thats ok that
is there opinion because deep down inside me I know I did the right choice
for me. and that is all I have to answer too is myself. To thine own self
be true. My work area is a work area. I have 3-4 friends there and that
is all. i am a loner really. and truthfully Idont need all the bull crap
of gossip anyway. So I do well in my cubical.....But now also others has
now stop by to say that I am really looking good, and they havent seen me
have this glow in a long long time. I say to them yeah me too I feel so
good. also I think the vitamins, and protien and eating the healthy food
have help me too. I wish you the best and remember DREAMS DO COME TRUE
— jay B.
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