I am 7 months post-op and have lost over 120lbs dn from 270 to 148 my question

is this has anyone experienced dizzy spells 7 months post-op? all my blood work is good, a little low on iron, but the latest blood shows it is only 2 points from being normal,it seems i only get them when i get up from a sitting or laying position, thanks for your input ahead of time!    — kimberly G. (posted on July 22, 2001)

July 22, 2001
If I remember correctly what you are referring to is hypostatic tension - or something that sounds like that....what is happening is when you lay down or are sitting most of the blood pools to the center of our when you suddenly change positions and quickly stand there is less blood in the brain and you get dizzy. Try and slowly stand...bending forward to your knees and then raise up and then hold that position until the blood is pumping....also make sure you are always drinking enough water. Congrats on such a great weight loss!Diane
   — Diane Z.

July 22, 2001
Check your Potassium (if you haven't already). Mine is usually low because of my fluid pills. When it gets to low I feel "light headed".... like I'm going to wink out of existance. Not dizzy, but light headed. Check it if you have'nt already done so.
   — Danmark

July 22, 2001
Yes, I have and wondered what causes it also. It's not when I get up for a sitting/laying position's just standing. I get this feeling like I'm going to faint. I have thought about needing more potassium (sp?). I've had my blood tests, but they seem to be ok.
   — Betty Todd

July 22, 2001
I too experienced this about three weeks ago. Had been shopping, sat down for a few minutes, and when I stood up I almost fell over. Passed quickly, but. . .I had not eaten for quite awhile. . .has never happened again. Could it be low blood surgar from not eating soon enough?
   — Doris R.

July 22, 2001
hi, it could be low blood sugar, or your blood pressure. you better get it checked out! sometimes when you lose weight it affects your meds you are currently on as well, so if you are taking any, please check into it with a doctor, and take care of yourself!!
   — sara C.

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