4 weeks post op, daily vomitting, not getting any protein

I'm 4 weeks post op RNY and I'm miserable. I vomit every day, usually several times. I can keep water down, but I'm getting nothing else. I'm scared because my protein consumption is almost nothing. How common is this and when will it get better? How much damage am I doing by getting no protein. Support is much appreciated. I'm very scared right now.    — kcanges (posted on July 21, 2001)

July 21, 2001
I am 4 months post op, and I still feel nauseous every day. It is still very hard for me to get anything in. For the first three months, I had "dry-heaves" daily--I rarely threw up any food, but I would wretch for about a minute. My doctor told me to try the motion sickness wristbands they sell at the drugstore, and you can also get medication to stop nausea. I would call your doctor on this, though, because this is a serious problem.
   — Samantha S.

July 21, 2001
I felt that way too. I threw up many times a day. Maybe people talk about narrowing stoma, but my surgeon said not to worry. It lasted 10-12 weeks and now I rarely throw up. I know I didnt get all my protein either, but again my dr. wasnt worried. he said drink a lot and take your vits. try to stay with softer foods like yogurt and avoid bread rice and pasta. I found that things like tuna or cheese or coldcuts on crackers went down well, but eat very slowly. This is what worked for me. I hope it helps you.This early post op protein levels are still ok. from what i understand you dont start to get into trouble till around 6 months, some may say different but this is what I did and I havent had any problems yet...and very minimal hair loss. I am just about 5 months post op.Email me direct if you want to chat. Good luck!!!!
   — Kathy831

July 21, 2001
Hi Kathryn, I agree with Samantha: this could be a serious problem. I had the narrowing of the stoma problem and had to be scoped out (no biggie). Have you tried just drinking warm things or just cold things to see if it's a temperature related issue? Please contact your physician right away as it could be a myriad of things happening down there. Best wishes~
   — blank first name B.

July 21, 2001
Kathryn, oops! didn't mean to post that last msg without my me if you have any questions :-)
   — Gail R.

July 21, 2001
Hi. I am four weeks post-op. My first thought is the narrowing of the stoma. Did you go back for your check-up? On my three week check-up, I was taken off of clear liquids and put on "pureed" foods. I have not dared to eat regular bites without puree' thru the food chopper (a wonderful countertop tool). And it takes a lot of moisture to not get "stuck." I was nauseated ever day and they put me on Reglan one tab before problem since. I'm not getting all of my protein either or all of my liquids, but I am doing the best that I can. Good luck & hope your Dr. puts you back on track! Barbara
   — Barbara B.

July 22, 2001
See your surgeon as soon as possible. I did the same thing ; after 31 days of the surgeon not listening or else not getting my messages I ended up so bad that they did an emergency endoscope! I had 4 large ulcers! Once they started treating that I was much better and today @ almost 4 months post op I have lost almost 80 # and I feel great ! I really hope you get help soon ! Keep us posted as to how you are and what is going on ! Connie
   — kountry

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