Looking for Banded WLS testimonials, I'm considering LapBanding

   — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 21, 2001)

August 9, 2001
I had my lapband surgery on 6/22/00 and have never regretted it for a day. Most of us who choose this form of surgery do it for the same reason as you have - restriction with rerouting. My beginning weight was 340 and I now weigh 244 and am still losing. There are very few foods I can't eat today and I feel great every day. You are very right - this is just a tool, not a cure and you have to be willing to use it, not sabotage it. I participate in an online support group called Bandsters and I invite you to join us. You can learn so much more there than I can tell you here. Go to
   — Shelley G.

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