Unbearable Gas pain what to do?

I know this isn't a pleasant issue to talk about but I don't know how to deal with the pain. I am 6 days post op.. yeah... and I am having terrible gas pains...It feels like I am going to die although i know no one has yet.. ha ha... I am not passing gas but it is shooting gas pains in my tummy... has anyone dealt with this and what did you find helpful? Jenn =0)    — Jennifer L. (posted on July 18, 2001)

July 18, 2001
I found that it helps to have someone pat you on the back, as if burping a baby. That worked for me until I could burp for myself. Good Luck
   — Joanne T.

July 18, 2001
My surgery in not for another 2 weeks, but I have had 3 abdominal surgergies in the past and worked in a hospital for 15 years. I know that if you keep moving as much as you can, it helps the gas to move to where you can apss it. Even rocking in a rocking chair helped me, just to get the guts moving. Also if you can tolerate it, drinking something warm, even sips of warm water can help move things along. Good Luck!
   — angelwomyn

July 18, 2001
I have this every so often, when i eat certain foods. Sometimes it lasts 5 minutes but it has lasted up to 1 hour. I found that Phazyne(sp?) it works wonders its a tablet you chew taked the pain away in a matter of minutes. I got it a CVS. its a little pricey but works.
   — KELLY G.

July 18, 2001
iam 1 week post op and i use extra strength mylanta. works great
   — Heidi H.

July 18, 2001
Jenn, hey. Just hang in there.. this too will pass ( no pun intended! ). Just try to move around as much as possible. It will get better, I promise.
   — sgeisendorff

July 18, 2001
Hi Jennifer, Congrats on your surgery. I would suggest walking. Much of the gas you are experiencing is due to the anesthesia. You need to work it out of your system. The best thing is to walk. Even walk around the house a few times. Even helps with the circulation of the legs. The walking will help the gas from getting trapped. Also, if the pains are so severe talk with your surgeon on what he'll allow you to take. Maybe milk of mag or something. I always had luck sipping warm water. This would help me to burp and I was getting fluids too. Best of luck and feel better soon.
   — Linda M.

July 18, 2001
Go to the pharmacy and get some "gas pills". I finally had to and wished I had sooner.
   — Danmark

July 18, 2001
If I get much more than about 1 tblsp of milk (in anything), I will have horrendous gas for hours. I still avoid milk because of all the sugars in it, but every now & then I get sloppy and don't read all the ingredients. Ow. And about 4-5 hours of ow.
   — vitalady

July 19, 2001
I am 15 months post-op and still get major gas pains. I called my Dr. early on and got a prescription for paregoric liquid. It is a wonder drug. Good Luck --
   — CohenHeart

July 19, 2001
Hi Jenn. I also had (& still get often) terrible trapped gas pains. I'm almost 9 weeks post-op now. Anyway, I also developed severe constipation which made the gas pains worse (not to mention getting hemeroids from hell). I tried xtra-strength Phazyme for the gas & it did NOTHING for me. My doc said to take milk of mag because my intestines were sluggish & that the gas was aggravated by the constipation. It worked wonderfully & the pain was gone. But I was at 7 weeks post-op, so I'd double-check with your doc if this would be OK for you; maybe your circumstanses are different. Gosh, I have a terrible memory & I can't remember me at 6 days post-op! Another thing that helps, if you're able to yet, is to lie on your left side; it seems to get the gas moving, well for me at least. Also, as one of the other posters suggested, when you get the burp-type gas, slapping your back, as if you were burping a baby, really helps.
   — lalasmommy

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