Can I take Birth Control Pills immediately after surgery?

I have never been able to get pregnant, but I heard after the surgery it should not be a problem. I also was told not to get pregnant for 12-18 months post-op so should I expect to deal with anything new concerning my birth control or will taking it after surgery be fine?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 12, 2001)

July 12, 2001
I just recently had to stop taking my pills because they started to make me sick after my surgery. I never had a problem before surgery and when I went back on them I got the "morning sickness" all the time. I was throwing up 5-6 times a day and had no appetite at all. I stopped my pills a week ago this past Monday and the next day I felt normal again. I did this of course with Dr. supervision, and I also inquired about an IUD. I had one implanted on Monday, it was quite an experience, but be ready your pills might act differently with your body after surgery!
   — Tawny F.

July 12, 2001
My ob/gyn wasnt sure if I would absorb the pill correctly or enough to prevent pregnancy. So to be on the safe side she switched me to the Lunelle shot it is a monthly injection with out all the side effects of the depro provera shot. Good LUck.
   — Robin C.

July 12, 2001
Hi, I was told to wait a while before I start taking the birth control pill. One of the remote side effects of the pill is causes blood clots. If you are just out of the hospital I would ask my surgeon, they are better informed than the average patient. It kind of stinks, but you had the surgery to better your health. You may only have to wait a couple of weeks or months. If it is to prevent a problem, it may be worth it. I got my period 2 days out of the hospital. I stinks being sore and stiff, then to have to deal with your period on top of it. Ask your doctor and hang in there.
   — Carla C.

July 26, 2003
My gynecologist prescribed the birth control PATCH when she found out I was having WLS. It is great! You don't have to remember to take the pill and no shots. You should check it out.
   — Summarwind

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