Does everyone require revisions
I am seeing a lot of questions about revisions. If you have a surgery is it just a given your probably going to have to have another surgery somewhere down the line! — Christine A. (posted on June 14, 2001)
June 14, 2001
It's not a common thing but can happen depending on your surgery type etc.
Talk w/ your dr about the possible need of a revision and other
complications that may arrise.
— Dawn R.
June 15, 2001
The Gastric Stapling with banning or the "Donut" procedure
works by limiting how much you can eat however it does NOT limit what you
can eat. So if when you eat you choose foods hi in fat,carbs,and sugars you
WILL gain the weight back.
The Gastric bypass works by both limiting how much you eat and what you
eat therefore the success rate is much higher. And you will NOT eat any and
everthing or you WILL get sick.
My mother had the Banning years ago, and is now bigger than she
started. She always said "They stapled her stomach but not her
mouth." So in deciding what I was going to do for my weight problem I
chose the bypass instead. It's going well and you might as well say that
they did staple my mouth. PRAISE THE LORD. I knew I didn't have the
disipline to do it myself or I wouldn't be here to start with.
As for Mom she learned her lesson too. Her revision is scheduled for
July 13, 2001. They'll turn her banning into a bypass. Finally Her mouth
WILL be stapled. :) Her name is Ruth Graham. In your travels please stop
by her page and enchourage her. She does so much for others and it isn't
always retaliated. Thank you'
Takenya Ivey
— Takenya I.
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