When can you shower?

When are you able to shower post op surgery? Does it take longer for you to do so and wash your hair etc. Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 13, 2001)

June 13, 2001
My wife had her surgery June 8, 2001 and showered June 10, 2001. Like the other answer, she still had the two tubes in and experienced no problems whatever. However, she did feel much better after her shower. LOL
   — David R. R.

June 13, 2001
I also had a shower two days after surgery. But I had to tape a plastic bag over my abdomen to keep the steri-strips dry (my surgery was lap, and the incisions were not closed with staples). I found that it did take me a bit longer the first 4 or 5 showers, because I was quite sore when I bent over, and moved cautiously. More importantly, those first showers just wiped me out! I was exhausted when done, but felt so much better being clean. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

June 13, 2001
I showered on the day I came home from the hospital. I did it the easy way though... I put a plastic chair in the shower. I don't know about anyone else but I was exhausted and this did help. I did have to wrap glad wrap around my incisions. Best of luck
   — marlene R.

June 13, 2001
I showered day 2 in the hospital. I still had my IV in so had to wear a rubber glove taped over it. It did take a bit longer with the tubes and all. I had hubby install a handheld shower head that has a long hose on it for use in the shower once I got home. This did the trick for me.
   — Ginger J.

June 13, 2001
My IV was removed the morning after my lap RNY and I was told that I could take a shower and not to worry about the Steri-strips getting wet. I felt like a new woman after that shower and shampoo! Remember that you will feel pretty weak and maybe a little light-headed, so have a staff person or family member closeby to assist you. The hospital can provide a shower-chair in case you need to sit down during the shower, but you'll probably need to ask for it. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

June 14, 2001
I also showered on day two following surgery. I had two tubes in, no problems. I got my steri strips wet, no problem. When I got home, I kept a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the shower and when I had finished showering, I poured some over the incision and tubes. I had no problems.
   — Cindy H.

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