Since the surgery I have had problems with constipation. It has gotten so bad that

I have terrrible internal and external hemmorhoids. My doctor told me I need to take citrucel for fiber but I am not able to drink a full 8 ounces at once. Does anyone know of a chewable form of fiber that we are able to digest?    — Tracy C. (posted on June 7, 2001)

June 7, 2001
There is a product called FIBER ONE that you can buy and it is chewable. Just new on the market in the past year. It works for me. Also try adding applesauce and more fruit, if possible.
   — [Anonymous]

June 7, 2001
Tracy, I am 1 1/2 weeks post op and am suffering. I remembered reading a post just before surgery on a Tea called Smooth Moves....I found it not in the tea section of my store but in the Health Food Section of my grocery....I tried it last night and again this a.m....problem is resolved. The nice thing about it is you don't have to chug it can enjoy it as you would tea. Hope this did me!! Karan
   — chance2lv

June 7, 2001
I'd be careful with the fiber tablets, since we don't know how big they can get once in the stomach. And stay away from the teas containing senna as the main ingredient. They're known to cause cramping. In the case of super dieter's tea, which I used to drink, it's been known to cause death! I'd cut the metamucil amount in half, along with the water amount. Either that, or try a product called Neocultal. It's a vaseline consistency, but tastes like chocolate. My sister gave this to my nieces as babies. It really helped and was gentle. Ask the pharmacy about it.
   — Amy K.

June 7, 2001
Tracy, I too have had problems with constipation. I asked my brother that is a nurse what I could take and he recommended a cocktail. It has been a lifesaver for me. I take 4 tablespoons of 7-up, milk of magnesia and prune juice. I call it my molotov cocktail! good Luck!
   — Donna H.

June 7, 2001
Tracy, when I got home from surgery, I had really bad constipation. However, my surgeon told me it was probably the pain medicine he had put me on. Sure enough, when I switched from that to a different (less potent) pain medicine, my constipation disappeared. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Good luck to you !!! Kevin
   — meilankev

June 8, 2001
Someone told me the other day to put citrucel in a vanilla protein shake. That it made it taste like a creamsicle (yuck). Apparently it helped them.
   — [Anonymous]

June 8, 2001
My Dr. told me to take Citrucel, I guess it produces less gas that Metimucul. I take the new Citrucel pills, every 2 days or so, I had a very bad time with constipation, and had to take suppositories,for a while, But that has got better, My Dr. said to eat plenty of Fiber (Beans) and to take Surfuk, But I have not gotten that yet.
   — [Anonymous]

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