I can only take one week off from work. Anyone else ever return after only one week?

I can only take one week off from work. One reason of course is pay and the other is that very few people know I am having this done especially my parents. I am also a full time student and need to attend class. Has anyone ever returned to work after one week? Why is it so hard to return to work? Any suggestions? What complications may I have. Any advice would be great!!!    — Jennifer L. (posted on June 1, 2001)

June 1, 2001
hello--- you never said what kinda surgery u r going to have open or lap? what kinda job do u have? is it a sit down job? I m still pre-op and read alot of peoples post but most people take 2-4 weeks off due to healing and people are tired, i have read that some people return to work in a week but were only doing p-t or half a day, It takes a lot out of you, this is a major surgery! I hope you have a great surgery and the best of luck!
   — kiara26

June 1, 2001
Ihad lap rny on a Friday and returned to work on Wed following week. Only thing that prevented me from going back on Mon was gas. I work a 6 1/2 hour day and am on my feet a lot, the moving around helped get rid of the extra gas. Go at your own pace. I had a nap every afternoon when I got home. Good luck. I told everyone I had female problems.
   — Gina R.

June 1, 2001
I went back to work p/t after a week. I'm not sure I would have been much good for studying in the evenings on top of that though. I had lap. rny surgery. I hope you're having lap, otherwise I don't think you'll be able to do work and school in that short of time frame. The only suggestion I have is get up and walk as soon and as often as you can. I really think it makes a huge difference. Good luck. S
   — sherry hedgecock

June 1, 2001
Jennifer, check on short term disability through your employer. It is a form of wage continuation that goes beyond whatever sick or vacation time you have. Also, try to schedule it for between classes or consider taking a sememster off from school (those short ones of summer ought to do it.) If you are having an open procedure, you may need at least 4 weeks time to recover, and two weeks before you can drive. Obviously, if you are having a laporoscopy procedure, the recovery time is much quicker. Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

June 1, 2001
Tired, I've get tired very easily and need an afternoon nap. Otherwise I've been OK. But i'm also close to 50. and weighed 340 and have trouble with Fibromyalgia. I'm coming up on 3 weeks post op and it gets better every day. Good luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

June 3, 2001
I don't know what type of surgery you intend to have, but you may need more than 1 week off. Are you eligible for FMLA? (Family Medical Leave Act) I had been at my job for over 1 year and qualified for up to 12 weeks per year. I found a web address you may want to look into for more information. It is I also receive short term disability and state disability, and make almost my entire salary. I am contimplating taking a little extra time off, and I will probably have to go without any pay, but that's okay with me. If I'm lucky they will continue to pay me until I return to work. I wish you the best of luck.
   — Kim B.

June 10, 2001
I went to work i wk after. B-4 that I had a cook out and did all the cooking. I have been going like that ever since. I have had lipo in the past and it was much more painful than this. I had the open. Each person is different.
   — Linda B.

August 1, 2001
What about the Family Medical Leave Act(FMLA)? You should be able to take off more than one week.
   — Steve S.

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