Anyone have this surgery with severe Asthma

I am a severe severe asthmatic and am scared to go under? anyone ever have this procedure done with asthma? How did it go? were you able to take your medicine after? THanks Jenn    — Jennifer L. (posted on May 27, 2001)

May 27, 2001
Hi Jennifer, I have severe asthma as well. I have only had asthma for two years but it has been terrible with a capitol "T." I have been on oral steroids for the entire two years which caused the 175# wt. gain. I had my surgery on April 26, 2001. I had absolutely no problems whatsoever. Neither was I worried because when you are intubated the doctors have complete control of your airway. I am only on three inhaled medications for control of my asthma and I have no problem taking them. Good luck!!
   — Margaret M.

May 27, 2001
Yes, I had VERY SEVERE asthma. I was on Nebulizer treatments at least 4 times a day with inhalers in between in addition to oral drugs and was on steriods more than I was off them for a while. It even got so bad that they did a went into my left lung and flushed it with saline solution and took a biopsy to see if there waas something else going on. It came back as just a very hard to treat case of asthma. I took all meds before surgery and did nebulizer treatments after surgery until I left the hospital. Happy to report that I have had NO problems with my asthma and haven't had to take ANY meds since WLS 10 1/2 months ago.
   — livnliter

May 27, 2001
Often, doctors, surgeons and anesthesiologists worry about astmatic patients and anesthesia, mostly because of the difficulty keeping your lungs clear after surgery. There are some things you can do prior to surgery to help. Make sure you take your medications RELIGIOUSLY prior to surgery. Also, go to your PCP IMMEDIATELY if you start wheezing. Finally, monitor your asthma very closely in the weeks leading up to surgery. Check your peak flow several times a day, and if you notice ANY change for the worse, contact your PCP right away. I have (had?) VERY SEVERE, steroid dependent asthma. I was on steroids continuously for the past five to seven years (I forget exactly). I gained 120 pounds from oral and IV steroids! I had to take nebulizer treatments constantly, was hospitalized four to five times a year, and took three inhalers as well. However, I was determined not to let this interfere with my surgery. I did all of the things I mentioned above, and was actually breathing fairly well the day of surgery. I came through with flying colors! It was difficult for the first few days, especially using the spirometer, but I did it! While I am still on steroids, I am down to 10 mg./day from 60 mg./day around the time of surgery, and haven't needed a nebulizer treatment in several months. I am five and a half months post-op and haven't been hospitalized for asthma since surgery. You can have surgery despite your asthma, so don't worry about that. Just keep it under control as much as possible, and you should come through just fine. Good luck! Maria
   — Maria H.

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