What is the Nutritionalist looking for at the apt?

I am in the process of trying to have LAP. I have went to my primary care physician and he said I would be a likely canidate for the surgery. He had me set up apt. with a Phsycologist (sp?) and a Nutritionalist. I have already had my apt. with the Phsycoligist (sp?) and have a letter from her stating that she thought I was of sound mind. Now I need something ? from the Nutritionalist. Then my primary care Physician will submit this all to my insurance. (Health Net HMO) for approval. I have an appointment on Thursday with the Nutritionalist and am wondering what it is they are looking at to determine my eligibility for surgery? What should I be asking from them in form of a letter? I went prepared when I went to the counselor and brought a letter with me that someone had lent me, so I could show her what was needed on her part. Any suggestions? Thanks to everyone that will respond!!    — Belinda H. (posted on May 22, 2001)

May 22, 2001
My dietician was extremely hard. If I wouldnt have been prepared I'm not sure she would have approved me. She came back to me with everything I said or asked. She started by asking "if I wasnt able to stick to other diets before, how would I be strong enough to follow the doc's rules for eating". She wanted to know what my cravings were. Sugar, soda, carbs, salt???? I said it use to be sugar. She said well you will not be able to have sugar. I said I'm over that now and now have a problem with carbs. She said well you will have to be careful of that. I told her I go in and out of phases with different cravings and she said "I'm worried about that for you". She showed me a food list of what I'll be able to have and on the list was pasta. I was surprised to see that and said so to her and right away she said "why". She was really short, and really drilling me. So I had to take control of the situation. I told her listen, if I didn't have problems with my diet, I surely would not be sitting here right now. I tried everything there is to try, and I'm going to have this surgery with or without your approval. I told her I am done with diet plans period. I am committed to this surgery, and I know me and I know I can do it. PERIOD! Next thing she said was, "You have an addictive personality and I think that will work for you postop". I knew at that moment she approved me. LOL. Scared her a little I guess. I guess the point is, at least with her, she needed to see my strength and commitment. I think if she thought I would be anorexic or bolemic it would be a different story, but she needed to know I was in this for the long haul, totally committed, and that I knew it would be a lifelong change of eating habits. That is what they are looking for. So don't be vulnerable to back down to them, go in there and show them what you're made of. The fact you came this far shows your courage and strength. Good Luck ! :)
   — Karla K.

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