I havent bought a pack of ciggs in two mo. but I am terrible about...

bumming a cigg from a friend, I usually smoke anywhere from two one day to maybe six... My surgery is in four days and I am not smoking one more... I know I have done terrible but how much will this affect me and my out come? Had anyone else smoked up to surgery, just a few??? It's been SO much harder to quit than I thought... I just knew with the incentive of being approved with this I would have no problem what so ever... NOT!!! Lack of that will power... gets me every time... I know I'll never pick up another after the surgery... That I have promised myself!!! Thx for any info.    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 21, 2001)

May 21, 2001
I smoked for 27 years. Although DR. told me I had to quit one month before surgery, it was really 2 weeks, and I would take an occasional puff when the urge got too strong (despite the patch). My surgery was 5 weeks ago, and I have to tell you I had some post operative oxygen/breathing problems that the nurses said was due to smoking. I don't want to scare you because everything worked out okay and I'm sure it will for you too, but since your asked....try not to smoke anymore before surgery.
   — Lea L.

May 21, 2001
I was told to quit also but with my nerves being as bad as they were, I was not able quit. I actually smoked a half of a cigarette on the way to the hospital. Considering that I have asthma I know that this was not that smart, but I don't think that I had any harder of a time breathing after the surgery because of it. I also was not able to give up eatting and smoking afterwards. It was either the twinkies or the cigarettes. I still smoke but have not had a twinkie. I am 15 weeks post op and lost 74 pounds. I don't smoke nearly as much as before just because I am so much more active now that I do not need them as much but they were the one crutch that I could not stop. Good luck on your WLS.
   — Tracy C.

May 21, 2001
I cut down from 2 packs a day to 2-3 cigs a day I smoked walking across the parking lot of the hospital Boy did I regret smoking when it came to using the breathing machine and coughing was so hard to do Quit beating yourself up I would not smoke after because the thought of smoke on my new stomach and fresh incision made me sick to my stomach I kept asking myself how can I do this surgery and then suck smoke down my lungs it just didnt make sense Havent smoked since surgery 11-1-00 and I was a 2 pack a day 30 year smoker zyban and patches I took patches to the hospital the Doc oked them didn't need them tho
   — Kathleen M.

May 21, 2001
Congratulations to all of you that could even cut down! Wow, I couldn't even do that. I smoked just as much as ever prior to surgery and still haven't quit. Four days in the hospital and just knowing I couldn't smoke made the craving go away - why in the world did I light up again? They were aware that I didn't quit smoking and gave me additional breathing treatments designed for asthmatics. I never had even one coughing spasm. However, God gave me incredible genetics and a fabulous set of lungs that - knock on wood - have been able to sustain this abuse for 22 years (hoping/trying to quit before my luck runs out). I guess the rule of thumb here would be if you are noticing effects of smoking now, it ain't gonna get any easier with surgery. Good luck and you have my respect for being able to cut down so dramatically.
   — Allie B.

May 21, 2001
please write me..i too am trying to quit smoking. my surgery date is 27jun. so i have a little time. but i would like to keep in contact with you to see how you do at surgery ..thanks//candiss [email protected]
   — Candiss T.

May 21, 2001
My doctor allowed me up to five a day till the morning of surgery. I sneaked and smoked more, but I tried to cut back. You will have a hard time breathing with open surgery, simply from the spreaders, so if you can quit, great! They gave breathing treatments in the hospital, but I'm guilty of smoking at two days post op. I know, shame on me. It's the only vice remaining from my teen years, but perhaps the worst one too.
   — Amy K.

May 21, 2001
I did not even try to quit smoking... what I did do was when I went for my pre op testing I asked for a breathing apperatis (wrong spelling). It is the thing they have you breath into after surgery. With all the practice I did I experienced no problems. It's great if you can quit, but don't go into the surgery with anymore worry than necessary. Do get the breathing tube and practice though. It strenghtens your breathing muscles and truly helps.
   — marlene R.

May 21, 2001
I havent gotten a date but I quit 4 weeks ago. I have had to tottaly stay away from friends that smoke and also bite thier heads off for even mentioning it to me. I ate a bunch of really sour candy and drank detox tea to get through it faster. I am now starting to not cough at all and Im starting to breathe easyer and just now I am starting to be able to be around a person that smokes and want it but keep myself away. It is DAMN hard!!! I have smoked for 10 years!! I wqs suprized I could make it past 3 days but the first 2 weeks were the worst and I am really starting to belive once you make it past 3 it is ok and you calm down. I also took herbal "stop smoking" pills from the health food store and the woudl calm me down. Good luck everyone- it is not easy
   — Holly B.

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