What are your chances of having this surgery if you are 60 years old?

Do insurance companies and surgeons deny this surgery to individuals based soley on age?    — Aloha D. (posted on May 15, 2001)

May 15, 2001
Hi, I had my surgery on Feb. 13th, I am 59, got my approval in 2 weeks. From what I understand they have done surgeries on people who were 65. Good luck.
   — connie m

May 15, 2001
I know a couple of ladies who were over 60 when they had their surgeries done here locally. But I don't know, something happened to them. It turbo charged 'em and now they're all under 30. I dunno........ I think it worked.
   — vitalady

May 15, 2001
I was 62 when I had mine done due to a revision. I have never felt better in my life. For the first time in my life I am at a normal weight.
   — clara M.

May 15, 2001
My surgeon has age 65 as his "variable" limit, depending on the patient's individual circumstances. My husband is 58 and 10 weeks post-op. He has already lost 65 lbs. and feels better and is more functional now than he has been in years. I think that most insurance providers look at the issue of medical necessity as opposed to age. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

February 26, 2002
My mom, my sister and I are all looking into this. My mom just turned 60 and her Dr said absolutely not to the surgery. She has Dementia. She is on SSI. She has been at 300 lbs for 30+ years with one weight loss episode when she did the Atkins Diet. She has also been diabetic since she was 37. (i just got diagnosed. i am 34)
   — Amy G.

February 26, 2002
I am 57 years old and had the surgery 15 days ago! Knock on wood, so far, no complications!. My healing time and post surgical experiences echo those of much younger folks. I would encourage your mother to find another doctor and wish her the very best. It makes me angry to see insurance companies denying another shot at life to folks just because they are over a certain age -- grrrr. Congratulate your mom on her courage and good luck in appealing or finding another surgeon. My doctor does folks over 60 all the time!
   — Linda V.

February 26, 2002
Linda, If you're referring to the previous poster, she did say her mother has dementia. My guess is that's the reason they won't perform surgery on her, not her age.
   — [Anonymous]

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