I have an apt. with the Nutritionalist and a Physcologist.

Was wanting to find out what is the criteria that the Physcologist and Nutritionalist will be looking for to consider me a "good canidate" for the surgury? What could I stress or for that matter "not" stress during these apt.? I want to make this easy for my insurance to approve and easy on me not having to fight for years to have this procedure done. Thanks, Belinda    — Belinda H. (posted on May 1, 2001)

May 1, 2001
I re-read my question. And I should of clarified that I am looking for the criteria that my "Insurance" will want from these evaluations. Sorry, I'm new at this. Belinda Hinkle
   — Belinda H.

May 1, 2001
Check out my profile for my psych evaluation. I am not sure about the nutritionist though. Good luck
   — Jeannet

May 1, 2001
Belinda, I also am required to see an endocrinologist, nutritionist, and psychologist prior to scheduling the surgery. I have seen the endo (see my profile for details). He did blood, urine and EKG. It is my understanding that the dietician will just review the new diet with you so that you are fully aware of what you'll be getting into. Also so that you are prepared upon leaving the hospital. The psych will question you to determine that you're not having the surgery for purely cosmetic reasons and/or that you don't have any severe emotional issues (anorexia/bulemia/suicidal etc.) that would cause them to be liable if you should sue after surgery is through. The information compiled by these appts will go to your surgeon who should then decide whether or not you are a good candidate for the surgery. I don't think that the information from those appts will go to your insurance company. Your insurance company will mainly look for the recommendation from the surgeon. Hope this helps! Good luck!
   — Kimberly L.

May 2, 2001
Belinda, I too have been requested by my insurance company to have a physc consult "documenting the understanding of treatment modalities, the motivation to comply with the post-surgical regimen and the lack of significant phychopathology." I also needed a letter from my PCP documenting all my attempts at weight loss and a list of my co-morbs. My physc consult is not until May 17th but all the rest of the info has already been sent to insurance. I have read other profiles and some have had to answer 100+ questionares and other have has nice little 1 hour chats. So, I guess it's up to each Dr. on how they handle this type of consult. I am gearing myself up to show that I am prepared for a life long change and can handle it and plan to express this to my Dr. I wish you the best of luck with yours.
   — Betty M.

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