I think that I'm loosing to fast...

I think that I'm loosing to fast... starting weight 252 5' date 2-28-01. Today I weighed 213 .. That is a 39 pounds loss. I eat good... and I eat like a bottomless pit I think. No food seems to effect me. I can eat just about anything.... no sugar or greasy food... but everything else is fine..Should I be worried since I'm a light weight?    — Heather C. (posted on April 3, 2001)

April 3, 2001
Heather, Heather, Heather!!!!!!! Girl! You are doing great! Don't worry, it will slow down soon , trust me! I lost more than that and I was worried but now look, it has been three weeks and I only have lost 3 pounds! Excellent job with eating, keep chewing! talk to you soon.
   — LISA K.

April 3, 2001
Heather - Let me first say WAY TO GO!!! I am still post-op with a date next month..but from what I have read will eventually hit a enjoy it while it is coming off easy!! You are doing absolutely wonderful!!!! Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

April 3, 2001
I had my open RNY on 12-28-00. I weighed 243 and am now 192. Usually the heavier you are to start the faster you lose in the beginning but you were a light weight as I was so I don't know if this is too fast. I'd run it by my doctor just to be safe.
   — Lisa B.

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