Has anyone been on Prempro prior to surgery? Can it be taken right up to surgery?

Because of irregular periods--very frequent and very heavy, almost like hemmoraging (sp.)--my doctor put me on Prempro at age 46 even though he said this usually wasn't done until about 50. At 51 I am still taking this medication. Because I have not skipped it, I do not really know if I would begin a period if I missed it for a day or two. Has anyone been in this position?    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 25, 2001)

March 25, 2001
Has anyone ever suggested a hysterectomy??? Maybe you should talk to your surgeon, i plan on having my tubes tied.
   — [Anonymous]

March 25, 2001
Your best bet is to speak with your surgeon. He will tell you when you can take, when to stop if needed and when to begin again.
   — Linda M.

March 25, 2001
I'm on post hysterectomy hormones (Estradiol), so not exactly in the same boat as you. I took mine till night before, then post op night two. No problem at all. As for the period, from what I've read here, expect it hard and heavy. Most women get it right after surgery. Sorry.
   — Amy K.

March 25, 2001
Hi: I went through the exact symptoms that you are and ended up having a complete hysterectomy. My gyn. found three benign tumors and that is why I was bleeding so heavy. I am not one bit sorry that I had this done, it is such FREEDOM from bleeding every month. I was 47 at the time. I don't mean to scare you but at 51 and still having heavy periods I would get another opinion from a different doctor. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
   — [Anonymous]

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