Kindof silly question. Has anyones spouse gained weight?

Just a silly question but has anyone noticed that their spouses have gained alittle weight since you have lost? I tend to give all my non eaten food to my husband when we go out or at dinner and he has gained 20 pounds in the past 2 years. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this?    — Barbara H. (posted on February 13, 2001)

February 12, 2001
YES!! 20 pounds in 2 years that's it! LOL, I think my husband gained 20 pounds in 2 months. Its funny how many times I count him going in the cabinets looking for something to eat with in a 2 hour period. I keep reminding him he'll be next! LOL
   — AnnMarie W.

February 12, 2001
YES! As the eating habits of my kids got better (they lost weight) my Husbands got worse.I will not let him eat any food I can't eat anymore. And I just eat off his plate when we go out.
   — Betty H.

February 13, 2001
Boy can I relate to this. I have lost 28 lbs since my surgery Jan 15. Needless to say Sam weights is 160 lbs. Well since my surgery this man can pack away food, we will eat dinner and 1-2 hr later he is back in the kitchen for more food. He said it is called "FOOD SYMPATHY " since I cant eat much anymore he is eating for me. Reality I dont care but it is kinda funny to have the clocks turn around. I just pray that he gets a grip and not let it get out of hand like my weight was.(still is but at least I am on the LOSING road now)... Just the other night this man had 3 slices of toast with Jelly, and before he never hardly finished 1 slice..... Could this almost be the same thing as when women are having a baby the man has alot of morning sickness too>>>>>> Jay Biller
   — jay B.

February 15, 2001
How strange! My husband has gained weight! He's a small man. He also quit smoking.I thought it was due to that, but I see his eating habits have really changed since my surgery.How bizzare!!!!!
   — Corrine L.

February 18, 2001
You know I thought it was because I wasent eating but my husband seems to be always eating. And gaining!
   — Christine M.

February 18, 2001
Mine did. He was not QUITE morbid when I had my surgery, though he plenty of comorbs. But, by a year later, he had gained enough to put him over and then some. Yes, he ate all the "other" half sandiches I didn't. He was out sneaking sugar treats when I no longer brought it into the house. Ahh well, he's joined me now!
   — vitalady

February 24, 2001
This is so funny! My husband is not a sweet eater or a snacker, never really has been, but since my surgery he has eaten all the chocolate that was left over from my last binges before surgery, and he snacks all the time. I am not too worried, I hope it will pass, he is not overweight, but I can see it happening. I joke with him and tell him he must be eating everything I can't, for me.
   — Kim H.

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