How soon will I be able to lift my 25lbs after LAP?

I'm aware there are restrictions on lifting anything heavier than 5 lbs after an Open RNY. What about with a Lap? I plan on going back to work after 3 weeks and although my baby can walk and I won't have to lift her at home (her dad will always be there). I will have to lift her to put her in here car seat in the morning after my hubby has gone to work. Any suggestions from the mom's out there?    — Valerie J. (posted on January 23, 2001)

January 23, 2001
I probably shouldn't bother answering, as I had an open surgery....but I figure any response it better then no the time that my staples came out..2 weeks post op...I was told I could lift, but nothing heavier then 20 lbs...he also told me if you arent' sure how much something weighs, it's too heavy....this was for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks I started bowling again w/a 12 lb ball...I was pretty sore the first week or two, so just be careful.
   — tlg6056

January 23, 2001
Hi...had my LAP RYN last tuesday...flew home from GA to Wash on Sunday...was told not to really push it to hard but I was able to lift My carry-on over my head(although I was a little concerned)...anyway..I am doing very the way I was able to go back to work this last monday and just a little tired but I was pleased.
   — Debora H.

January 24, 2001
Hi Valerie: It really matters not if you had lap or open surgery as these only refer to the outside cuts. We still have our insides cut up and restiched and stapled the same. The healing must take place without extra strain in order that we do not develope hernias. Hernias are particularly problems during the initial 6 to 8 weeks following surgery -- and if one gets started then, it can grow and grow over time and you'll end up having to have surgery to repair the hernia. I went through this years ago with gall bladder surgery and actually had to have it repaired twice! Not fun! I've had 10 separate times that I've gone "under the knife" for a total of 14 surgeries, so I'm experienced. Believe me, we should wait at least 8 weeks before we do ANY vacuuming and before we lift more than 10 pounds, to be safe. Best wishes for your success!
   — Cindy H.

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