Can someone help me find a primary care physician in New York?

Help Please!!! I saw my my moronic Primary Care Physician today. I was not able to get a referral from him or his support for the surgery. I know that the Insurance company will not pay for the surgery without his consent. He has referred me to a Endocrinologist and made me feel like a misbehaving child. He basically told me that I have to try other alternatives. I have been through the whole gamut of from Dieticiansto the Endocrinologist. Even though I have seen dieticainson and off for the last 8 years. He told me once again that God makes some people fat and I should just get used to it. What I need is a Primary Care Physician in the Rochester, NY area who support the surgery and me without making me jump through hoops just to make more money from the Insurance company. I realize that following the surgery that I will have to work with a dietician. However, I know from Experience that a Dietician and will power are not enough to get me to a healthy weight. I would be eternally greatful to anyone who could help out with this problem.    — tinarochester (posted on January 9, 2001)

January 10, 2001
Sorry to hear that your family doctor is so stupid. Opps did I just say that? Anyway, I wish you luck in finding a new doctor. I wish you lived near me, because I found the greatest family doctor. I also had a problem with my origanal PCP. I got rid of her as fast as I could. No one was going to stand in the way of surgery. Good luck to you. I'm sure you will find a doctor in your area. Maybe try calling a surgeon's office and ask them if they could recommend any PCP's.--Angie
   — Angela E.

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