Is there such thing as a "fanny enhancer"?

Okay, crazy question I know but, I have lost so much weight that I don't have ANY butt left. It's flat as a pancake and I know that I have heard about these things or underwear that has an enhancer or something but I just don't know where to find one. Anyone have any ideas? I can't believe that I have to even ask this. 2 years ago, I would have given anything NOT to have a butt but with no butt and no chest, I am looking more and more like a boy every day. Please help if you can. Thanks, Barbara Henson-BPD/DS 6/99    — Barbara H. (posted on January 7, 2001)

January 7, 2001
Hi Barbara - Though I am still at the VERY beginning of my weight loss story...still waiting for a first consultation...However, I would suggest checking out Victoria Secret....they may even have an on-line sight. Also check & Hope this helps, Karan Engelkamp - Ohio
   — chance2lv

January 7, 2001
Barbara - JC Penney has these types of undergarments in their catalog. And then you can always order through Fredericks of Hollywood. Ive seen every thing in that catalog. Hope this helps! Adrienne
   — corpdiva2006

January 7, 2001
Just don't spend too much on it, because your butt does return. Not in its full glory, thank goodness. But it does round back out and I am WAY older than you, so that was encouraging. I thought I was gonna have a sharpei butt for life, but no, it's normally shaped again. Wel, certainly better than before. BUT it took a couple years after my wt stabilized before it happened.
   — vitalady

January 23, 2001
Ohmigod! I feel your pain. Try It comes highly reccommended!
   — [Anonymous]

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