
Can I take my own nightgown, cosmetics,slippers robe etc? Will I be able to shower?    — judy F. (posted on December 26, 2000)

December 26, 2000
Hi Judy: I wouldn't take your own nightgown as you may have some drainage that will stain your clothes. Also, hospital gowns are designed with easy access (IVs, etc.) in mind. I showered on the second day, but boy, I sure didn't feel like putting make up on! I brought some things with me like my pillow, a small personal fan, a discman for walking with, and lots of crossword puzzles and books I never cracked open. Also, chapstick is a good idea, too. Good Luck and God Bless.
   — Allie B.

December 26, 2000
Allie has given you some great suggestions. The only thing I would add to the list is flushable wipes (similar to baby wipes). They were provided at my hospital. Check with yours, and if they don't, Cottonelle makes a product you can buy at the grocery store.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 26, 2000
I took a big bag of stuff to the hospital with me, and barely even opened the bag. The only thing I was glad I had with me was my own comfy pillow, and some easy slip-on slippers for walking the halls. The rest was just extra weight for my husband to carry when we left the hospital. Remember, after surgery, you won't be allowed to lift even a light overnight bag, so wherever you sit your stuff down before surgery is probably where it will sit till you leave.
   — Lynn K.

December 26, 2000
Judy, I sent you a list. Good Luck,
   — Bonnie S.

December 26, 2000
OOH! I forgot something really important! A pillow to clutch to your belly under the seatbelt for the ride home from the hospital!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 26, 2000
Judy, Chapstick and a good backscratcher were the most important things I had. I also found having my nice soft Puffs Plus was a bonus.
   — Judy G.

December 26, 2000
Judy, I tried to email you a list but was unsuccessful in doing so. If you go to and go into the files, you will find some wonderfull info there, Ava Lee has posted a few very helpful lists. Good Luck
   — Bonnie S.

December 27, 2000
I work in a hospital I have seen both ends of the spectrum, I have had people have to wear the hospital gown home and others that that had three or four outfits hanging in the closet. I am taking a tooth brush, my bi-pap, two pairs of pajamas (some I don't mind getting blood on), and I take a medicine, that always has to be ordered when I go to a pharmacy, just in case. Take a complete list of meds and how much you take and how often you take it. Don't take much cash a couple of bucks for the newspaper will be enough. Don,t take any thing you will be heart broken if it disapers, things get lost and do get stolen by employees, roomates and thier guests and other patients. You will only be there three or four days you can survive without all the luxuries of home.
   — MARK N.

December 28, 2000
Everyone's situation will be a little different. My hospital provided quite a lot. I would first check with your hospital and see what they provide, then take as little as possible. I've compiled a small list on my website if you want to take a look. Here's the link: <a href="">Hospital Packing</a>. Good luck with your surgery!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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