Is it harmful to self-induce vomiting?

I am 6 weeks post-op, I am having trouble with food getting stuck and the only relief is when I self induce vomiting,I have done this four times.    — Patricia B. (posted on December 26, 2000)

December 26, 2000
I can't imagine that self inducing can ever be good for you.And at 6 weeks I don't think your healed yet. I would contact your surgeon asap. You either have the wrong food or some obstruction.
   — Mike H.

December 26, 2000
At 6 weeks post-op, I too had trouble with not being able to eat anything except cheese and liquids. My stoma - where the pouch opens into the intestine - had narrowed. An endoscopic dilation cured it. Don't delay in calling your surgeon if this continues. Not only could you compromise nutrition, you can become dehydrated very easily.<br><br> Best wishes!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 26, 2000
Patricia, I am 2 months post op and I have the same problem. I have found that when I chew, chew, chew, that this problem becomes nonexistent. But when something does get "caught" self induced vomiting is the only relief. It hasn't seemed to hurt me, but it has taught me to chew my food to liquidation. Or not eat them again. Pork chops are especially bad for me. So I don't eat them anymore. Good Luck!
   — Lisa J.

December 26, 2000
I am preparing myself for my RNY on Jan. 9. I tend to gulp my food so I bought a baby food grinder which makes solid food into mush and I'm going to buy the baby/toddler size spoons and fork so I won't be able to get much in my mouth at once. Today I bought a pretty, tiny plate to make it look like there's more on the plate (since "they" always say get a smaller plate). Some people may pooh-pooh this idea, but I'm hoping it will help me and anyone else.
   — Betty Todd

December 26, 2000
I went thru a period of time when I started eating solids again when it was definitely a "testing the waters" kind of thing with every single meal ... some things made me horribly ill and others didn't -- and then a few weeks or months later, I could tolerate that "bad" food just fine. You should try to pay as much attention to how much you chew and how fast you are eating because it really does make a difference. I also use (and still use) smaller plates like Betty said (it has helped me a lot, the food doesn't look so "lonely"!). During this period, by the way, there were weeks when it seemed like I got sick almost every single day. But it got better after some time and now it almost never happens. It was also during the second month when I started "feeling full" ... I never felt full that first month or so. Hope this helped.
   — Beth B.

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