Has anyone tried new foods at 2 weeks post op?

I had surgery 11/28 and have been doing great post-op, healing well and feeling good (I've lost approx 18 lbs, too!) However, I have been soooo bad when it comes to eating. I wanted to eat with my family and have 'branched out' to try new foods -- eggs, mashed potatoes, soups/broths, some well-cooked pastas -- and I have suffered no ill effects. Indeed, I feel good, all in all, no pain or discomfort. I just have a hard time eating NOTHING, and missing dinner with my family, etc., though I only eat about 1/3 cup or so at a time and am careful not to overdo, and I'm diligent about chewing small bites down to 'mush' -- Am I being so bad? Is it just me? Did anyone else have a hard time NOT eating for 2 weeks and tried new foods? I admit, I feel a little guilty!    — Michelle F. (posted on December 10, 2000)

December 10, 2000
Michelle...10 lashes with a wet noodle for you! *smile* Seriously, your surgeon has prescribed a post op eating plan that in his/her opionion will help you maximize the benefits of your surgery. Why would you even want to defeat your surgery? I'm sure that you don't. You can sacrafice a little pleasure for a little while. In time you will be able to eat what you want. I'm almost 2 years post op now and I know that to be true. Until then, don't let self-deafeating behavior compromise what you have done surgically. Hang in there girl, you can do this!!!
   — Roseann M.

December 10, 2000
My surgery was on 12/5/00. And I feel the same way you do. I must admit that I had tried foods that I shouldn't have. I feel very guilty about it. It is just very had to cook for someone and watch them eat, without having just a little bit. I'm trying very hard not to do that anymore. I wish you luck and I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. Angie
   — Angela E.

December 10, 2000
My surgeon starts foods such as those you've been eating on post-surg day 7. I had saltines, applesauce, cooked cereal, and thick soups, as well as the foods you mention. I didn't have room for more than a few bites per "meal," but suffered no ill effects. On the contrary, putting some "real food" into my pouch seemed to combat nausea. You've probably done yourself no harm, but discuss this with your doctor. There may be a medical reason for wanting you to delay re-introducing food.
   — Linda B.

December 10, 2000
Michelle: My surgeon "fast-tracks" us to real food. He's been doing the surgery for 30+ years. He now does the RNY with transected stomach and a band (like a Fobi). He starts us on sugar-free pudding, yogurt, hot cereal, creamed soups,coffee, tea, fruit juices while still in the hospital. When we go home, we are on pureed until and at week 2 we can have most foods except must wait an additional 2 weeks for raw fruits and vegetables. I remember loving refried beans and cheese from Taco Bell early on - and adding spices to my foods. We even ate mashed potatoes and gravy from Kentucky Fried chicken. Yummy. However, I do caution you strongly about trying fried foods or sugared foods. I accidently picked up the wrong yogurt and dumped severely from eating only 3 bites of a sugared yogurt! I had severe abdominal cramps, sweating, heart palpitations and diahrea which lasted for hours! I also did this early on on just a bit of sweet-n-sour sauce. So, as long as you are doing as you say, I don't see a problem. If you feel you need to "branch out" and try fried and sugared foods, you will be, not only defeating the purpose, but also putting your health in big jeopardy. I know I could NEVER have avoided real food like some surgeons require. Best wishes with your losing - and great start!
   — Cindy H.

December 11, 2000
My surgeon has his patients eating solid foods before they ever leave the hospital. However, my advice to you is to follow the post-op plan of your surgeon to a tee. He performed the surgery and has his reasons for the slow transition to solid food. Call him with your concerns. Best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 12, 2000
I, too am having a hard time following Dr.'s orders. I had my surgery on 12/04 and haven't yet "cheated", but it's not easy, that's for sure! I actually signed on here to see if anyone else was feeling this way and how they've dealt with it. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one wanted something to CHEW! :)
   — Christine M.

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