Red Hot Addiction!!!???

I am about 8 months post-op and recently tasted some Red Hot candies and now I am addicted to eating them - I crave Red Hots or Fire Balls...ANYONE ELSE? Just curious!    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 27, 2000)

November 27, 2000
I haven't had a craving for red hots but I've been eating tic tacs like there is no tommorrow.
   — Sharon T.

November 27, 2000
I have had cravings since day one post op. Right after surgery it was V-8 juice, I couldn't get enough. The doc was surprised because he said most people couldn't tolerate the acid. Then, at about 3 weeks it was red pepper hommus (ground up chick peas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic, with roasted red peppers). At 6 weeks, it was tuna. Lately, it has been milk (which I stopped drinking for about 5 years prior to my surgery). I figure I should just listen to my body as it will tell me what it needs. By the way, the cinnamon in red hots acts as a digestive agent, just likke ginger...Ride the wave!
   — merri B.

November 27, 2000
I hated spicy foods pre-op. Now I carry my own little bottle of tabasco sauce in the glove compartment. Sometimes I drink it right out of the cap when I'm stuck in traffic.
   — blank first name B.

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