Looking Good. Can anyone else give their input?

Hi all. I just wanted to give alittle upbeat info to preop patients and all who have recently had surgery. The other day I went into a new store that opened in my town. Had never heard of it but there were some pretty clothes in the window. When I walked in, the lady immediately asked me if she could help me and when I said that I was looking for some pants she smiled and sheepishly said "honey, this is a store for large women, you need to go to a teen shop or something because we have nothing here for you". What an uplifting experience! I never thought that day would come. Also, I met a friend of mine at my new workplace orientation that I had not seen in over 5 years. When I spotted her, I ran up to her, threw my arms around her and told her how happy I was to see her. She backed off quickly and looked at me funny, and said that she had no idea who I was! When I told her who I was, she was shocked. It's these little things that go a long way to building up our confidence once again. I hope that all of the postops will share these stories with all of the rest of us. They are stories filled with such hope, humor and rebuilding of a person who may have lost alot of his or her self confidence. I think it will help the preop people to see the best results of this surgery. Please share your stories with everyone. Hopefully, this will be the first of many sweet stories for us all to see. Barbara Henson---BPD/DS--6/99    — Barbara H. (posted on November 6, 2000)

November 5, 2000
WOW BARBARA - how absolutely wonderful!!!!!!! I also have a great story to share that just happened to me yesterday. I bought rollerblades 3 years ago and even took lessons. I always enjoyed roller skating growing up and wanted to be able to do something like it outdoors as an adult. The problem with rollerblading for me though was that it was always very difficult to hold all of my 300 pounds on them and not feel immediately exhausted. On top of that I would only be able to go 25 feet or so before having to sit down and rest because my feet and legs were so cramped. (Where are all those park benches when you need them?) Yesterday my 5 year old nephew visited me and I decided it was time to try the blades again while he rode his bike. I am 6 months post op and down 84 pounds. I wondered if that would make a difference and boy, I was NOT disappointed. Not only could I carry myself well, but I had no balance problems, I wasn't exhausted, and I did not have to stop and rest!!! My nephew and I had a wonderful bonding session as we skated and rode bikes for over an hour. I thoroughly enjoyed one more of my many new freedoms. It was great fun and incredibly uplifting! What other wonderful stories do the rest of you have to share? Open RNY 5-00, down 84:)
   — Paula G.

November 5, 2000
I had something great happen to me this weekend. I went shopping, which I haven't done much of since my surgery (08/21/00) because I know that I will not be able to fit into the same clothes for very long so why waste the money ya know?? Well I went to a 10 dollar store and decided what the heck, I deserve a new shirt or something. I found a section with Lane Bryant clothes, they had 1 pair of these really cool stretch pants in black, but only 1 pair. I looked at the size and was like ya right, I've only lost about 60 pounds I don't think that's enough. Well I tried them on and my god, they fit, what size was it?? A size 18!!! wwoohhoo!!! I was a 26 in August, I couldn't believe it!! They weren't even tight!!! Now I still wear about a 22 in jeans but with everyday comes a new surprise and another justification for having this surgery. I can't wait until Thanksgiving, so many of my relatives have not seen me since my wedding in April when I weighed 309. It is going to be a great holiday season!!!!
   — christine L.

November 6, 2000
Barbara: Your stories at the best! Thank you for sharing with us! I look forward to the day when I won't be recognized. Actually, I had gained my excess 100 pounds sometime during the past 5 or 6 years. So, when I was at my largest, there were people who didn't recognize me. That was a bit of a relief because I didn't want them to know I was this fat person. I've lost 78 pounds since 4/4/00 and have gone from a size 26/28 jean to a size 16 jean. My proudest moment was not going under the 200 pound mark, but was when I cut up my Lane Bryant card! It feels just wonderful to walk around the Misses department in any store instead of the Women's department. I feel so "normal." I wish this feeling for everyone! Thanks again for starting this string.
   — Cindy H.

November 6, 2000
Barbara, those were a great stories. I have a great one also, although i am only six weeks post op. I guess because i'm short, the weight makes a bigggg difference on little old me. I was a size 26/28 and closer to the 28 mark. Now, I am easily in a 18/20. Well, I go to church every Sunday and last Sunday I went to church and I have to admit, I was looking goooooood. (new clothes) Everyone kept walking up to me saying, "MAN YOU LOOK GOOD..YOU LOOK REAL GOOD". A lot of them were trying to be polite and not ask me if i was losing weight, but you can tell that is what they wanted to say in their faces. Everyone keeps telling me I have this glow to me and saying, "You are sooo beautiful". Well, I kind of knew that already, but i had so much fat in my face, the beauty was peaking out. LOL ..Let me tell you, I know this might not be appropriate to share, but i have to share it tastefully. I have notice a big difference in the 32lbs i have lost (probably more..don't know until monday) has done a lot to my husband and I "RELATIONS". There are things I can do better now that I have lost the weight. I felt so good being intimate again with my husband. I know I am not where i want to be, but i am sure glad I am not where i was six weeks ago. What a difference 32lbs (or more) makes~!!!!!
   — Angela A.

November 6, 2000
barbara! I still go to the Plus departments out of habit, even though I am somewhere in between 12's and 14's:) I too, have a story (actually many stories, but I will only tell of the last 2 experiences this last weekend). I went out to dinner with my dad, brothers, and all- I haven't seen my brother and his wife for over a year, so seeing me down 105 lbs was quite a shock to them. The waitress of our party came right up to me and hugged and kissed on me which freaked me out! Then I realized I had worked with her 20 years ago and she recognized me immediately- which led my hubby to explain that I must look I did when I was just out of college. I sure didn't think about that! Then, yesterday, my kids had a piano recital and while they played very well, the entire crowd came up to me afterwards and complimented me (I actually had new clothes on). Even my hubby hadn't seen me in the dress yet and was shocked:) He stayed right near me, with his arm around me the whole time smiling:) Barbara, thanks for the post- it is always fun to see how others are enjoying their lives after WLS, and it is fun to relive these memories!
   — M B.

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