I can't stop eating did something happen?

I'm five months post op and can eat like normal again....down 104 lbs. more solid stuff I can't eat alot but jello I can eat the whole (thing 2cups) and then go back in half an hour and have a banana with pb.on it. what is going on??????? staying about the same not gaining and not losing..... help    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 15, 2000)

October 15, 2000
glad to hear this is happening to other people besides only me the dr. said that wasn't possible. I know for a fact that it is... Watch very very carefully what you are eating and try goign back to the liquid diet you did after the surgery to see if that helps.. thats what I was told.. I lost 100 lbs and am 2 years after surgery. Unfortunately I got pregnant shortly after 1 year after surgery had a baby 12-99. haven't lost a thing since. so if you come up with any ideas feel free to throw them off to me. I walk 3 miles a day you would think that would help. anyway just watch what you put in your mouth after all you came this far just as I have not to go back to square one....:) feel free to email me at [email protected] my name is susan
   — susan T.

October 15, 2000
I'm 1yr postop and can eat anything also. I graze all day long. I don't seem to get full. I'm not gaining which is good. I've lost 95lbs and I'm happy with that. I wanted to lose about 100lbs. I wish I couldn't eat as much as I do. I also can eat sweets and I didn't think I was going to be able to. I had the RNY distal so this shouldn't be happening I don't think. I hope I don't gain back any weight.
   — [Anonymous]

October 15, 2000
Congratulations on your weight let's see if I can help you keep it off! :) Jello - I assume it is sugar free, first and foremost is considered a liquid, so it is no suprise to me that you can eat 2 cups and then go back and eat a banana a half an hour later. But, how long does it take you to consume 2 cups? Are you getting your water and your protein in? You mention that you don't do this with more solid foods, but my concern is that you may be testing or compromising your surgical tool - which may lead you to try this with solids. I understand what is happening to you, because I can eat a bit more than what is recommended myself. So, here are some ideas I'd like to share with you: Tell yourself you WILL finish 20-24 oz. of water before your next meal. Measure a serving size (1/2 cup)of jello and then drink water. Wait at least 2 hours until your next meal. Be careful with peanut butter - although it does contain some protien, it is still loaded with fat and sometimes sugar and it goes down so smoothly you aren't really required to chew. A better choice would be hard cheese or Canadian bacon. I found some yummy roasted soy beans in the store today - much less fat than peanuts and lots of protien - great for when you need a crunch. Find an activity to take your mind off of food while you wait for your next meal. Tell yourself you have to complete your exercise for the day before your next meal. Eat for satisfaction and not fullness. Take a half an hour per meal - even if you need to get up and walk a way for a few minutes before finishing it. These are just some of the things I do when I need my 'tool' gets a little rusty. Hope I've given you some ideas...Good Luck to you!
   — Allie B.

October 15, 2000
You didn't say how much protein supplement you are getting in. Not only does this shut off the hunger button & shortcut cravings, but it actually helps you lose more wt. There are no empty calories in a good protein drink made with water (not milk). They all go to work for you, maintaining muscle, skin integrity, hair, and they can encourage the fat to get up and leave. But as the others said, water is critical to flushing the fat away, too. As long as your body feels awash with good strong nutrition and water, it will not ask you for "calories, sugar, help!", and will continue to think you are feeding it PLENTY, even if you are just feeding it exactly what it needs and no frills. I'd never have believed it myself, if I hadn't seen it!
   — vitalady

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