Would I qualify???

Hi, I am female, age 37, Height 5'3" and weight btwn. 190-196lbs. I've been overweight ALL my life as big as 240 lbs. before. Been on EVERY diet known to man...or woman. Have back problems & social problems do to weight. Heart disease & diabeties runs in my family. Would I qualify for surgery?    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 4, 2000)

September 4, 2000
Hi, You have a borderline BMI (you can find BMI calculators many places). At 196lbs your BMI is 34.7, your BMI would be close to 35+ if your weight was 200lbs. The general guidelines for weight loss surgery are that you are considered a candidate if your BMI is 35+ and comorbidities are present (weight related medical problems). You are also considered a candidate if your BMI is 40+ even if no comorbidities are present. I was like you - I had a borderline BMI - it was barely 35 the day I had my surgery. When I went for my consult I made sure I noted all my weight related medical problems as well as my family history of diabetes and heart disease. The other thing I did when I went for my consult was to try to weigh in as heavy as I could, I wore heavy clothes, shoes, ate a big lunch, etc. Hope this helps.
   — Jennifer L.

September 4, 2000
The easiest way to find out if you qualify for surgery is to read or call about your insurances's benefit's guidelines. I'm in the process of trying to have surgery because my current insurace requires BMI of 40, and as of Jan 1, my new one requires 100+ overwieght according to a scale that doesn't even take into account bone size. I'd have to gain more wieght and then lose more. Some plans won't pay for WLS even if medically necessary. I also have Kaiser (turned me down)who qualifies you if you have a BMI of 35+ with one of their 3 acceptable comobilities, won't do it without a fight if you don't have one (even with a BMI of 50+). Given my time frame I don't have time to appeal and will pay more to use my other plan. So, long story short, research your comobilities and check with your insurance's public guidelines. At least you'll have a start. Good luck.
   — Marilyn M.

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