I have decided to quite smoking--->>Welbutrin/Zyban?

I have made the first step. I go in for some testing on September 6th for the surgery. A few days ago, I called my PCP and got Wellbutrin to quit. I am a little nervous, as I have been a smoker for 10 years and don't really know what to expect, especially with this medication. Anyone have any experience with Zyban/Wellbutrin and can tell me what to expect from it???    — enjo4 (posted on August 26, 2000)

August 26, 2000
Good decision on smoking, it will make everything easier. I smoked for 25 years prior to surgery last week. I started quitting about 3 weeks before surgery, I used nicoderm cq patch, I think that will be the ticket for you. Just make sure the first one you put on is in the evening before bed, so it can get into your system. I am 10 days post-op and still wearing them and not smoking. Believe me I want to smoke but I know if I don't it will make my recovery so much easier. Good luck
   — smul3

August 26, 2000
As a nurse and a smoker I can answer that question. The Medication Zyban is an antidepressant that tends to assist with the psychological aspect of smoking. It doesnt help the physical addiction but that part only last 3 days. I will begin taking that soon to assist with the psychological part.The side effects of Zyban include but are not limited to reduced appetite, anxiety, restlessness, nausea, dry mouth and headache. Most common would be restlessness.
   — kcraig

August 26, 2000
I used Wellbutrin and I also used the Nicoderm cq patch to quit smoking prior to my surgery. I really liked the Wellbutrin because the cigarrete urges weren't as bad as they had been in the past when I tried to quit and the pills also mellowed me out alot and the pre-surgery "jitters" weren't bad at all. I didn't continue either of them after surgery and I'm still a non-smoker I'm pleased to say, and that was six weeks ago. Good luck with your surgery!
   — Marcella S.

April 17, 2002
Hi! I was a heavy smoker for at least 11 years and i finally tried zyban and it worked great for me. The only down side effect i noticed was my nervousness and excitability. My husband HATED having to drive anywhere because my hand was always reaching for the dashboard when the light would change red. But, I didnt have to take the zyban for long and before you know it, just the smell of cigarette smoke will make your stomach churn and you lose all craving for it and it keeps on long after you quit taking the pills! Good Luck!
   — Christina S.

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