Can you wear tampons the day of surgery? and the hospital stay?

I haven't wore a pad for 6 years and cant bear the thought of one durning surgery.....I would have someone to change them but would the Dr mind?    — Tennille (posted on August 20, 2000)

August 20, 2000
Tampons aren't a good idea during surgery and the nursing staff will most likely tell you "no" and also not to worry about it.. they deal with it all the time and they will put a pad there for you during / after the surgery. You won't be able to use a tampon as long as you have a catheter in; but as soon as it comes out, it's okay to use one. I started my period the day of surgery and everything was okay. I brought some ultra thin, nighttime, extra long pads which worked just fine. Don't sweat it, it'll be over before you know!
   — BethVBG

August 20, 2000
i wore a tampon on the day of my surgery and for two days after my surgery while in the hospital. the dr preferred that to a pad. there was no problems with the catheter either.
   — rachelo

August 20, 2000
I wore a tampon on the day of surgery and it was not a problem.I too greatly prefered it to a pad. There was NO interference to the catheder(sp). Do worry about it -- it will be fine :)
   — Heather C.

August 20, 2000
I wore a tampon on the day of surgery and it was not a problem.I too greatly prefered it to a pad. There was NO interference to the catheder(sp). Do worry about it -- it will be fine :)
   — Heather C.

August 21, 2000
I was very fortunate because my period started and ended a few days before surgery, so I didn't have to use anything. But I was told during my pre-op hospital discussion that I should not use tampons, so I had pads on hand just in case. One problem you will experience with putting in tampons is that bending down will be challenging - your belly is VERY sore from the incision and surgery. Just bending down to wipe can be a problem. I understand your reluctance to use pads (I hate them) but have some of your own on hand just in case. You won't get typical store bought kinds at the hospital. I understand they use the really thick maternity pads which might be very uncomfortable for you. Whatever supplies you use, the medical staff should not mind taking care of it. A woman's period is a part of life, and it's their job. Best of luck to you!
   — Paula G.

November 29, 2003
Not sure if I'm too late on the post. 5-minutes before my procedure, my cycle started. They informed me that I could only use pads. gross....apparently they changed me too after the procedure. VERY embarrasing.
   — Tie C.

February 15, 2004
Had surgery May 29, 2003 was having my period had a tampon in. They made me use a pad. After surgery the wonderful undies AND pad were both gone. Too tired to do anything I had blood on the bed but the nice nurse changed the sheets for me when I did get up. Always will wonder what they did with the groovy undies and pad...
   — Barbara K.

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