Why cant I have my appropriate surgery type in my profile?

Eric and administrators: I have followed instructions to get my surgery type in my profile and all I am offered is 'other', since I didnt have the RNY or VGB. I had the Duodenal Switch and want my profile to reflect that. ALSO: When I added my surgeon, it defaulted to RNY on his page. Although my surgeon does perform the RNY, he is also a DS surgeon. He would like to be able to access his page as well and has posted several times to do his reporting, but has apparently gotten no answer to his request for assistance. His name is Aniceto Baltasar, MD. His email address is [email protected] I would really appreciate it, if you could email him and help him get set up so he can fill in his area appropriately. Thanks a bunch.    — Kris S. (posted on August 9, 2000)

August 9, 2000
Hi Kris.. if you go to your "Personal Account Center" and choose "Post Op Clinical Survey" you will be able to choose the duodenal switch and have it show up on your profile page... hope this works for you...
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 9, 2000
I too would like Duodenal Switch as an option for surgery type in my profile. I also looked in my surgeon'n info. page and there is a mistake in what type of surgery my insurance approved - my insurance, POMCO Plus/Allied/Multiplan approved the DS on the first try - I beleive I am the only member of this site to post about this specific insurace carrier, so I am assuming when it says the RNY was approved by them, it is a mistake or an ommission because the DS is not an option. I think it is very important that patients know the DS got approved easily with medical necessity.
   — Stephanie H.

August 9, 2000
Heidi... I have been there a kazillion times already. In MY profile, the DS is not an option. I knew where to go, but it just doesnt work... its not there. Thanks sweetie!
   — Kris S.

August 9, 2000
I'm fairly new here, but I noticed too that I had to choose "other". I also emailed Eric when I recieved his welcome message, that his information concerning the DS surgery is outdated and needs to be fixed. This is a BIG site, it's even in the WLS newsletter, which I can't remember the name of. So maybe with some input from everyone who's had/having DS surgery, they can get this site fixed! :-)
   — Becky G.

August 9, 2000
I was sent an email by Eric asking me to update my profile since my surgery date on 1/11/00. It was sent with the stated intent of keeping the site current and informative. Imagine my dismay at discovering my particular type of surgery (DGB/DS) was listed as "other" and my surgeon (Robert Rabkin, MD from San Francisco) was listed as performing only RNY (when he performs the DS as well as laparoscopic DS, in addition to a small percentage of RNY in his practice). I chose this surgery because it was a superior operation for me and my body and my lifestyle. I chose my surgeon because of his years of expertise in performing over 500 surgeries for DS. I am enjoying wonderful health and pain-free and from all the horrors of super morbid obesity. I still remain unhappy that a site of this size (and I thought caliber) would repeatedly leave out the DS surgery as a current, very viable and often chosen alternative to the RNY and VBG If this site is to be informative, it must be as inclusive as possible. PPPerhaps I could be sent email regarding THIS!
   — Jamie L.

August 9, 2000
Well, my surgeon doesn't perform the RNY <b>at all</b> - just the DS - but the RNY is all that's listed for him. It would be nice if someone updated Dr. Gary Anthone's file to reflect the type of surgery he <i>actually performs!</i>
   — Kim H.

August 9, 2000
I surgeon, Marek Lutrzykowski, MD, In Bloomfield Michigan, also performs the LGR/DS procedure, but is listed as an RNY. When I asked Eric to change it, he asked how much would the doctor be willing to pay to advertise on the site. I attributed the comment to Eric's overwork and underpay. However, I agree. It hardly seems fair to not be able to get accurate information posted. Fondly,
   — merri B.

August 10, 2000
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, Kris. I can't update my profile from 'other' to DS. When I wrote to Eric asking to fix this bug several months ago, he wrote back to say that he didn't know any reason why this would be happening, "if it even was." I took that to mean that he doubted either my sanity, my reading ability, or my veracity. What he did not do was offer to look into the problem.
   — Duffy H.

August 14, 2000

   — Michele A.

August 14, 2000
Hi Michelle! Thanks so much for taking the time to solve this mystery. Although I am a post-op, I tokk your advice and did the following: I went to my profile, went to the bottom and selected *click here to update page*, logged in, chose "i've got a date*, did the pull-down and selected Duodenal Switch. After that, I went straight down to *save my work* and voila! It worked! Thanks so much Michelle!
   — Kris S.

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