Anyone had surgery , with the condition called Lupus?

I am trying to see if lupus will stop my friend from getting weight loss surgery..? thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 2, 2000)

August 2, 2000
I am in remission with dermatomyositis (this is an auto-immune disease that is in the same family as lupus) and had WLS 4.5 months ago. My disease wasn't a problem, probably because I've been in remission for so long (8 years) and have been of steroids for that long. Is your friend taking a steroid like prednisone? If so, I'm sure she'll have trouble finding a surgeon who will perform WLS on her since the steroid compromises her immune system. I was worried that the stress of surgery and weight loss would cause a relapse in my symptoms but so far it hasn't happened (I know stress can cause a relapse in lupus too). A lot of things factor into this surgery for your friend and probably the only one that can give her answers is her surgeon.
   — Kellie L.

August 3, 2000
My doctor has auto-immune diseases as a reason NOT to do surgery. Porbably each doctor and patient will have to look at their situation idividually.
   — [Anonymous]

August 29, 2005
Well, I had the same question not long ago. I have Lupus currently and my Lupus is inactive at this time. I take 5mg of Prednisone a day. Yes, I had a hard time finding a surgeon to do my surgery for the same reason the other young lady gave about the steriod. I found a surgeon who was willing to do my surgery at Johns Hopkins Bayview. I am going in on Sept. 9th 2005 for my RNY. I am so glad I found someone to do it. After so many no's it was good to hear a yes.
   — shantrism

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