Trying to get a Life Insurance Policy after WLS.
Prior to having WLS surgery I tried to get a life insurance policy and was turned down because my liver enzymes were elevated. I had no liver damage just had a fatty liver. Now my liver enzymes are normal and I have lost weight, my blood pressure is 108/58. Has anyone had exceptance turned down after the WLS. Were you turned down because of the WLS. How did you handle question on being hospitalize for more than 3 days. — ann A. (posted on June 7, 2000)
June 7, 2000
Hi Ann,
I don't know how helpful I can be. This IS a question I have wondered
about being an ex life/health insurance agent in the early '80s. As for
answering the questions, I think you would have to be truthful as when you
sign an application you are giving the insuror permission to check your
health records. They will find it. If they go ahead and write it, it
could give them reason to deny a claim. I can't imagine them writing it
after finding someone not being truthful on an application. Moreover, I
would say to let them know your past history AND your present condition.
It might be good to talk to an agent (provided it is one you can trust) and
determine his/her viewson the company's possible acceptance/denial of your
business. Please keep us informed of what you find out. Thanks.
— jeff P.
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