I had several abdominal type surgeries in the past will this make surgery difficult?

Someone told me the more times your operated on the more scar tissue and the stomic walls are not stable enough for surgery and if you have surgery the risk is alot higher. Does anyone know if this is true?    — Christine L. (posted on May 12, 2000)

May 12, 2000
You didn't state whether your surgery will be open or laparascopic and the best resource for the answer to this question will be your surgeon. I can tell you that I had a laparascopic RNY and had had an open gallbladder surgery, 2 C-sections and an abdominal hysterectomy in the past. My surgeon assured me that if he encountered any adhesions (scar tissue), he would remove them and that he didn't anticipate that to be an issue. He did find significant adhesions at the site of the gallbladder surgery, removed them as he had said and everything went fine. I hope everything goes as well for you. Good luck, Diana
   — Diana T.

May 12, 2000
A list buddy of mine had a pre-op history similar to Diana's and also experienced no problems. As Diana said, you need to address this with your surgeon, but previous surgeries, even a lot of them, need not be something that will keep you from having WLS, or even increase the risk of hernia. Best of luck!
   — Duffy H.

May 12, 2000
I've had 6 prior abdominal/stomach area surgeries and had no problems when I had my recent open RNY surgery. Rest easy.
   — Cindy H.

May 12, 2000
I developed "Toxic Shock Syndrome" in 1974 with the birth of my son.. Well, right after his birth within days I was back in the hospital 105 temp and in shock with an abdomen full of abscess after 7 surgeries in two months I was finally released from hospital.. Minus many organs, Spleen included...Since that time I have had gall bladder removed and hysterectomy also bladder was retied.. 10 in all ops 11 counting appendix when I was 4.. Dr. Husted expected scar tissue (any where blood is allowed to pool, scar tissue will form) I had lots.. It made the surgery a little more interesting he said.. and he had to remove a lot to get where he was going.. But he said was no great problem just an expected annoyance. I did very well during my recent open RNY surgery and still doing quite well (no complications to date) and have lost 107 pounds as of last week. I think what you may be talking about is maybe prior stomach surgeries.. revision type thing or ulcers maybe? There are members here on AMOS that have had revisions etc.. Might contact them.. Michelle Curran for one, maybe she can enlighten you..
   — Victoria B.

May 13, 2000
I had four previous abdominal surgeries. WLS made it five and no problems at all!
   — Morgan B.

May 17, 2000
The beauty of having this surgery, is the surgery you have next. That is the surgery where you have the "apron" removed. This is done by a plastic surgeon who removes all the abdominal scars that went before it and replaces them with one big one. I had my gallbladder out 35 years ago, when I was 22, and had a hysterectomy 10 years ago. The WLS surgical scar replaced the scars of the previous operations. So, you see, the scars are the very least of our problems! rosie
   — rosemary H.

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