I don't know how to approach my new PCP!! HELP

I am going to see a new PCP in a few days. I changed from my old PCP because he was unable (due to insurance regs) to give me the referral to see the surgeon I had chosen. My old PCP has been my doctor for over 10 years, and I can tell him absoultely anything and be very straight forward with him!! Now I don't know how to approach my new PCP. What should I say or bring with me to get the referral? Also, I chose this new PCP because she is located right in the hospital that my surgeon is affiliated with. I was hoping that she would be more apt to give me the referral to one of her colleagues than outside of the hospital. Anyway, does anyone that has had to change PCP's have any suggestions??? Thank you in advance    — enjo4 (posted on May 12, 2000)

May 12, 2000
I would say first and foremost be upfront and honest with her Tell her exactly what you want and why. Make sure she has your medical records with you. I know it is hard to talk to a new dr. But you need to be upfront. Tell her you want this surgery for your health. You cannot be afraid to tell her anything or you will never get the referral you want. Most dr.s will listen. Just stand your ground. Good luck to you.
   — chris M.

May 12, 2000
Make sure and have all your medical records sent to your new doctor.Have a list of your diet history. Up front tell her you are planning on this surgery and ask for her support. She needs to see your history, how well informed you are about this surgery and the desire to have a healthier, longer live. Best wishes to you.
   — Rebecca D.

May 12, 2000
Hi Erin, When I went to my PCP, who was new to me too, I printed off all of the important information I could find on the web and brought it with me. I told her I had been researching this for 6 months and felt that it was definitely something I wanted to pursue. She took the information home with her that night and called me the next day to say that she thought I would be an excellent candidate for WLS! She said the fact that I was so well informed was one of the major reasons in her agreeing with me. Good luck!
   — Deborah M.

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