15 months post surgery and experiencing symptoms of clinical depression.

I have been having some symptoms of depression for about 4 months. Emotionally it seemed to peak about a month ago. I saw a counselor a few times and it seemed to help with the emotional stuff. I have been doing pretty good with that aspect but still having major problems with my thought processes-poor concentration, forgetfulness, poor sleep, fatigue etc. I also have edema and poor circulation to my hands and feet. My dr. has run some tests but hasn't come to any conclusions yet. Sed rate is high but rhuem. factor negative. He thinks i have rhuematoid arthritis anyway. That doesnt explain the edema and depression...i really don't want to take antidepressants unless that is really the problem. Any one else with symptoms similar? Any ideas?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 2, 2000)

January 2, 2000
I think your doctor should also check your Thyroid. A thyroid function test would be helpful. If you are having thyroid problems, it can contribute to your depression symptoms as well as the others. A Sed Rate is a very inconclusive test. It is basically a screening test to see if any inflammation or infection is going on. Most anything can make your sed rate high. It is very nonspecific. And did he do the Rheumatoid Factor for joint pain? Also an ANA test might be helpful too. An ANA stands for "Anti-nuclear Antibodies" This is also another test to conclusive screen for Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus. But I feel that he needs to check out your thyroid first. Hope things go well for you and you get well soon. Take Care.
   — PNethery

January 2, 2000
I agree with the thyroid & TSH tests. I won't take antidepressants EVER AGAIN. So far, the following has worked for me (I do which ever ones I feel I can --sometimes all, sometimes one or two--they all help) --getting up earlier & at the same time everyday. --walking (strolling, waddling, shuffling, dragging--whatever it takes) for at least 30 minutes in DAYTIME. --showering and dressing. Usually if Im clean I'll toss on makeup and actually speak to someone when I'm out walking-so showerin really is one make myself do whenevr I'm depressed/sick/fatigued. --swim. Actually, just float in deep water. lie or stand in deep water, totally motionless. --make sure you are getting RDAs of B vitamins. Stress and depression really thrive on these deficiencies. --paint; draw; anything artistic or an activity that takes you outside of yourself -- a good book? bath? building a birdhouse? planting flowers? --cheer yourself up. manicure? pedicure? buy flowers? facial? give yourself a treat. -look forward to something. Make some plans and KEEP them no matter how lousy you feel. Maybe a movie or something -- preferably with someone. I'm alone alot and some times I really like it -- make yourself go somewhere -- mall? museum? movie? it doesn't even have to begin with the letter "M". Hope these things help -- the one thing that always works however, is -- prayer. All you have to do is ask and its given. Please email me if I can help in any way. Toni
   — Toni B.

January 4, 2000
Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Something to do with seretonon (spelling) uptake. It is possible that it is totally unrelated to any surgical proceedures. Antidepressants are not the "happy pills" some people want to make them out to be. Oh, if it was only that simple! Depression is an illness, like diabetes that can be sucessfully managed with the right medications. See a doctor and soon. Good luck.
   — Linda F.

January 29, 2000
I had my surgery many years ago. Depression followed as well as poor circulation. It hard to deal with day to day emotional problems without food. You now have to learn how to feel all the emotions you were once able to numb. It's very difficult. You also can't consume enough sugar to give you that high you once received. I have found that writing in my journal helps a great deal. I've also joined a support group. I also talk with people about how it's still hard to deal with problems with out my drug of choice "food". I was diagnoised with clinical depression 3 years ago. Thats 10 years post-op of fighting lows. I tried herbal pills, but for me an anti-depressant worked wonders. I would not count it out just yet. Try it for awhile to see if it helps you. As far as the poor circulation, I have this as well. It is because of Anemia. I found that a multi-vitamin along with light excercise does wonders. I hope I have been helpful. Good Luck.
   — [Anonymous]

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