Any Suggestions?

I am 35, 500+ pounds, and live in Maryland. I have needed the surgery for years, but have no insurance and only a part time job. What are my options? Thank You Very Much...    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 21, 1999)

September 22, 1999
Apply for Marylands medicaid program. Do whatever it takes to get such coverage, then have the surgery. Unless of course you can afford it yourself or can get another job which has benefits. I don't really see any other choice
   — Bruce B.

September 25, 1999
Check with your Medicaid or social services people in your area. I was on medicaid in S. Florida when I was in the consideration stage of my initial RNY. I had been approved under medicade to do it as medical necessity and I was 516 lbs at the time. Fortunately soon there after I was working with full benefits and was able to get the surgery done with the surgeon I wanted rather than the surgeon Medicaid approved (I'm sure he was qualified, but the surgery was not his specialty) Go for it baby!!! You may just be able to get it covered! Keep us posted!
   — Sherrie G.

June 21, 2002
Hello....Someone told me to check vocational rehabilatation in my state and now i am having the surgery next week....I am on disability though..i dont know if that matters but it is worth checking into. They are paying for my gastric bypass...dont give up it takes awhile of waiting but your life is worth the wait...good luck shelley
   — shelley T.

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