Does anyone suffer from Hirsatism (sp?)?

I have suffered from some male pattern hair growth for many years. I am told this is due to my weight and once I lose weight it will go away. I have trouble mostly with a "beard". Can anyone tell me how you handled this subject in the hospital or with the nurses and doctor? Does it go away once you start losing weight? Any information will be greatly appreciated, this subject may actually be my deciding factor on wether or not to have the surgery.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 18, 1999)

June 18, 1999
check with your doctor and get him/her to check you out for fibromalgia (I'm not sure of the spelling). It's symptoms are weight gain that you can't lose and excess hair growth. WLS can help with the weight but there are other and I believe hormonal reasons for the hirsuitism..
   — Susan C.

June 18, 1999
Hi, I was also told that because of so much fat cells the body stores testosterone in the fat cells so we Fattys do tend to have more body hair. I must confess that I have always had losts of fine hair all my life and was teased so bad by my brother when I was yound that I unfortunately began to shave my face. And you all know how that goes, shave and get more and thicker hair. What I do is make my husband promise to shave me if I am unable. But, don't worry the nurses understand you will not be the first woman with a beard. Just ask them to help you if you can not shave yourself or you do not have a trusted freind or hubby to do it for you. I really do not know if the hirsutism decreases after weight loss. Some one else may have that answer. I send you light and love. JC
   — Jeannette C.

June 18, 1999
I am first of all assuming you are female. I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). After a lot of reading, I have found out that the symptoms related to PCOS are Hirsutism ( which I have), male pattern baldness, obesity, infertility as well as others. You may want to look into this a bit before your surgery. There are medications for the condition. However, beware, it is not very well known among physicians. You need to find an endocrinologist familiar with the disease.
   — Madelyn M.

June 18, 1999
I understand your problem completely. I have progressively sprouted more and more hairs on my chinny-chin-chin since I was a teen and have to have a thirty-minute hair plucking session every morning. What a pain in the patooty. I've never been told that the hair would go away when I lost weight and I have talked to many many doctors and beauty experts about it. My only recourse is electrolysis for the rest of my life. If you hear from someone who really knows, that the weight loss will help, please let me know. I've lost 78 pounds so far since March and still have just as much hair as I did when I started but, then again, I'm still pretty far away from goal. Good luck and I hope that some "expert" out there can give us some good news.
   — Vicki H.

June 21, 1999
check out the web under "pcos"-- poly cystic ovarian syndrome. this interferes with blood sugar and hormonal imbalance in women. i have a couple of friends with this and it can be treated with drugs. also, this condition will cause weight gain and the inability to lose weight. ask your ob-gyn. but don't give up if they blow you off, ask for a testosterone profile of your blood.
   — AL M.

May 31, 2001
Have you tried Vaniqa? It will not get rid of the hair, but will greatly retard it's growth. You have to get it by prescription, but I have been pleased with the results.
   — Deana R.

May 31, 2001
Hello! PCOS Poster Child here, go read my site... then go get a book called PCOS- The Hidden Epidemic by Samuel Thatcher MD. It will be your "travel-guide" to the rest of your life!
   — Karen R.

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